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Didn't know where to ask this, but...

Duke Maddog

Well-known member
I just logged into my Webshots account to find out that they are closing down and switching to a subscription-only format. I loved Webshots because I could upload as many pics as I wanted; keep them there without any limits on how many could be seen, organize them in as many folders as I needed, and didn't have to worry that some would be taken down if not viewed in a certain period of time. I also loved that I could upload any size pic and they wouldn't resize it or restrict it. I do have several pics of my entire armor collection that were left very large so that detail could be seen. The only thing I was disappointed in was that I could only hotlink small pics to any other site, so I never used it for that. I mostly used it to refer people to it so that all the models I currently have pictures of could all be seen by anyone who wanted to see them. There are currently 882 pics in 24 albums there and I was gonna add a few more pics, but now I can't since now they are going away.

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a photo hosting site out there that is:

*Able to host unlimited photos, possibly with no size restrictions (that part isn't too important though)
*Won't take any of them down if not viewed within a specified period
*Won't restrict how many can be viewed at a time
*No limit on uploads (although I rarely if ever upload anything more than 5megs at a time give-or-take)
*Will allow me to separate them into as many folders/albums as I want to keep them organized.

I really could care less about the Facebook, Twitter and other social-network-linking features; that ain't so important to me. I would just love to be able to keep a webshots-type album set somewhere so I could keep a chronicle of my collection for anyone to look at. I have been looking and researching everyhting I could find and I have seen a couple sites that may fit the bill, but I'd like other opinions and reviews as well.

Anyone wishing to see what I would love to replicate on another site, feel free to check out my Webshots page to see what I currently have that I've never had to pay for. I want to keep that going; especially since I have so many more models to shoot pics of.

Thanks for any and all help anyone can offer.
You mean like the Modelers Alliance Gallery? :idonno

Mark I don't think you'll ever find an online gallery FREE that meets all those points. Best thing you can do is purchase domain hosting and a website (dukemaddog.com appears to be available) and host your images yourself. You can get a domain and hosting service pretty cheap.
Isn't this what photobucket does ? I have about 1200 photo's in 20 folders on there ?
Its free, has multi upload.am i missing something ?
Photobucket used to be my prime source, but the Gallery gives me easy access and is more visible to those who are at work. :mpup

Try it, you'll like it.