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DAK Flak Truck


Active member
Here is my in progress Africa Korp flak truck. The truck bed and flak sled are scratch built. The truck is Italeri Opel Blitz. The gun is Dragon. The netting on the gun's shell cage is some mesh I bought at an art store The various nuts and bolt heads are from Ming. I recommend them.
Thank you all for your comments. The pictures are really horrible. I use my phone and then shrink the resolution (and size). The paint job is better than it looks. The flak sled took three tries to get right. The Germans couldn’t just bolt boards together. Oh no. They had to put two symmetrical curves in. The wheels are from my 3d printer. There are only two things I have trouble with; faces and leather. I have a shot gun for everything else. This build was way outside the box for me.
Faces are always a bit of a challenge. While we have some extremely talented folks here, it is sometimes difficult to understand what process they use to paint faces and figures.

You might check out some of the gaming sights where they build gaming pieces (Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k, Dakka Dakka) I suggest this as there are some astounding figure painters there that don't run in regular modeling circles. The thing is there are folks that are pretty free with steps for painting figures and faces that are straight forward for folks wanting to learn.