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Color of Tactical Numbers on Jagd-Panthers


Active member
Hey Everybody,

I calling out the Researchers on this one .... I was wondering what color the Tactical numbers would have been on the Jagd-Panthers ? would any of them have been Red outlined in white ? OF the Units that had them, or would all JP's have had that color. If not than what would the correct color be ?

I have Panzer Tracts 9-3 , & The Combat History of schwere Panzer Jager Abteilung 654. Unless I've missed it, none seem to really state what the colors were. Sure there are color plates by artists .. but they are just that - an Artists rendition ( tough to trust)

I'm hoping some one can shed some light on this .....

Thanx in Advance

Don't know if this will help you or not!
It must be a universal Mystery ..... I've gotten nowhere ... I've posed the Question on Missing Lynx & Axis History Forum & Nada .... I can use the Kit supplied Numbers .... BUt I just wanna know they are correct.

There's a voice in th back of My head telling Me that th numbers were Black outlined in White ... Looking at th Bovington Jagd-Panther captured from the 559th s.PzJg.Abt. & I'm not 100% sure that th 654th had Red Numbers around Nov. '44 - Jan. '45 .....

As soon as I apply th Decals th flood gates will open with color pix or some one will publish the Combat history of the 559th & note the color of the Numbers !

Th Hunt continues ..... I was hoping maybe LAURA might know ... being a native German .. just for th simple fact that She grew up there & maybe had access to some of that ??? :idonno

As soon as I apply th Decals th flood gates will open with color pix or some one will publish the Combat history of the 559th & note the color of the Numbers !

that is quite likely!

Th Hunt continues ..... I was hoping maybe LAURA might know ... being a native German .. just for th simple fact that She grew up there & maybe had access to some of that ??? :idonno

being native italian! harumph! born in germany but still native italian! i have my feet in both nationalities but still have italian citizenship only! ;)

sorry erik - if i had a reliable answer i would have answered already but this nut is almost uncrackable! as you know red and black are not distinguishable in b/w pics and i haven't the slightest clue what color they were! if there's a panther expert out there it's edi eberl from panther1944.de ... maybe you ask him? he's registered here and if he doesn't know you may be damn sure that there is no answer to your question!

WoW ! I wasn't aware that you were Italian. My mistake.:blush:

I will try dropping a line over at panther1944.de Hopefully he's may have some leads.

Thanx for th tip & sorry that I assumed you were German. :D


Have you found any thing New ?

I have the color of the Tact. #'s for 559( Black outlined in White) & 654th seems to be Red outlined in White.

Th 559 was in the Eifel, Ardennes,& Belgium around Nov. '44 - Jan.'45.

Th 654th was around Alsace same time frame.

I still would like to find some Pix of the JP's of 559 around the Ardennes period to see what type of camo & if Their JP's were predominately from M.I.A.G. , because it seems like the 654th got a lot of Theirs from M.N.H. .... Th pix of the 559 in the Ardennes is really what I'm on th hunt for Now.

Thanx for all th info SHARK !!! It's been a Great Help !!

Look for a 1st. look Review of Tamiya's 1/25th scale Jagd-panther re release here Very Soon ! A Build Review will follow that in short order !
