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catastrophic failure


Active member
:vmad had a shelf failure. countless models have now crossed the styrene bridge into plasti heaven. They are acompinied by my laptop and large segments of sanity. Memorial service will be held later today.


:salute :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy: :eek:hmy: A sad day!

Had a cat jump on a shelf once. Almost had a memorial service for the cat that day.
Man sorry to see all the damage Chris. Some of it might be salvageable if you want to, but that is up to you.

Any more I always use a stud finder and attach the brackets into the wall studs. Had a closet shelf pull out of the sheet rock a while back because the installer didn't anchor the end and bracket into the stud. Instead they put it into sheet rock. It wasn't a matter of if but when it would dump. Luckily nothing broken in that case.
In commemoration of the event, you are hereby awarded the Cat Ass Trophy and these immortal words from Forrest Gump "It happens." :drinks

Ouch! That is heartbreaking to see. As someone mentioned though, hang that shelf back up there, only fasten it on the studs. Also, some of those might be salvageable; I do hope you try to save as many as you can. That will also help to ease the pain of loss.
Some people don't know what to do with their finished kits when they run out of room... this is NOT the way to solve that issue. As others stated, repair or replace...

Closest I've had is an avalanche occur when the water heater busted and flooded my garage (stash room). Boxes got soaked, instructions and decals ruined (of those I did not separate) but nothing builtwas damaged.

When you got lemons, make lemonade. Try making whats left destroyed, burnt out etc. Any weathering/painting techniques sound interesting, but you have never tried?