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Another camera question


Evening boys & girls,

Is this a decent camera for model pix? Picked it up cheap off of evilbay, $20.00 including s&h. Have no clue how to use it, no manual.
So how about a little help for a brother?? :laugh:
can't help you with settings details gene but that camera seems to be sufficient!

it has the most important makro feature and enough megapixels for decent photos!

for the manual click here to download: http://www.svp-tech.com/download.htm
At $20.00 I don't see how you could be wrong. Take some snaps and see how it turns out. play with the macro and flash and see which settings look better. I have read that if you take a picture without the macro mode and at a decent distance you can edit the image and get just as good results as you would zooming in or being in close.

For an image editor, I suggest www.irfanview.com for basic image resizing, cropping and compression. If you want to get more advanced editor look at the www.gimp.org, both of these are free. Gimp is a open source version of photoshop. http://www.gimpchat.com/ is a great online forum for support, tell'em I sent ya, they may let you in anyway. :mpup

ONE of the Most Important things to have is a Good Tripod for th Camera. That will improve your Photography a lot !! You don't need an expensive one. I picked one up for $20 USD. !

Thanks for all the info!!! As soon as the holidays are over I'll have some time to play with it!!!