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Announcement from the Administration

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"They are dragged back into the mud becouse they want to do...
We can do modeling and enjoy it!


I also am fairly new here, although I don't post or reply much,( my apologies) I do sit here in awe at all your members builds and skills and appreciate the friendly atmosphere of this forum. (y)

Maybe it would be a good idea to make this forum a sign in to view?

My full support to all on MA. :ro:
You honchos don't need to explain it any better than your actions already have- Saul, Bob , Andy ,Laura, Glenn et al. You guys have done an excellent job moderating this site and bringing in the pros to help us all expand our shelves. Now that I know what happened I'm glad i didn't see it first hand on another site as I would have said something stupid in return. Be good. CR
I read and read and do not know if I understand the crux of the matter - a butthead from another forum (as I think modellers) threw mud on some of you/us or even on a cheerful crowd of MA (including threats committing criminal offenses). Is that right?

Colleagues I will tell you something - from long time I had no pleasure to associate with such a great team of modelers and friendly people like you, in my opinion you have created a very cool and professional forum. Keep it up! (y)

To anyone who will insult you I will tell briefly - f...ck you, moron!
I have been a member of other forums before, but I must say MA is the friendliest, drama free, no-BS one of them all. No "I am better than you" and other BS. Just fun and good shop talk and finding some friends along the way. Keep it up.

Without any evidence there is no credibility to the accusations. Until credible evidence is provided there is no point in wasting time and effort on baseless accusations. I'll waste no more time on the matter and suggest others do the same.

I'm going to the work bench!
I don't know what the poop was about and I don't care. I just want to see great models and submit my own humble kits. Even my so-so kits get nice comments here. That is why I like this place.
Thanks and don't snif the glue! LOL
Some people just never learn or grow up !!!! :huh:

You guys are doing a GREAT JOB !!!!!!!

My full support to all my FRIENDS & Staff of MA . :v

best regards
I have been hanging around the forums since 2009 and have left most of them due to the absolute idiocy of small minds.

These people are bullies. Bullies, to feel self-esteem, must aggressively assault anyone they perceive as a better or weaker. In the case of modelers they perceive anyone who is a better or more knowledgeable modeler, or anyone who offers an alternate idea and a threat to their self-esteem. As a teacher I know that real self-esteem can only from self-efficacy (the ability to produce a desired or intended result). The bully mentality usually comes from low self-esteem, due to a lack of self-efficacy. These bullies may be very accomplished in several areas, but there is one area where they feel inadequate. This drives them.

If you stand up to them, they might momentarily back down but will come at you repeatedly intill they gain what they feel is superiority. If you backdown, they perceive weakness and continue their assault. When you ask them simple, legitimate questions, they either ignore the question or belittle you for asking it.

Many people with the bullying mentality are, for a better phrase, marginally paranoid; They will continue the assaults regardless and see threats where none exist.

It is certainly sad that these people take out the inadequacies on decent people who just want to associate with like minded maniacs. By now, the admins on sights worth being associated with, know these bullies and their ways and can keep them from lessening our enjoyment and our communities.

We are boys and girls playing with toys. Keeping this perspective is important. Nations will not crumble, empires will not fall of some odd-numbered bird-brain decides to be a jerk. We have a place that is operated by not only good modelers, but good, decent people (don't let it go too much to you head MP!).

Let's support this excellent site... and diddle those other unrepentant maternal fornicators.
When you ask them simple, legitimate questions, they either ignore the question or belittle you for asking it.

BAM, nailed it Barney. Those who are entertaining the accusers accusations should ask the accusers for the evidence and see what happens. Same thing that happened to us will happen to you.

No worries Barney, well grounded here! :zen
WOW! How in the world do people who have gotten together over the internet to share a hobby have such an ugly falling out. Nasty emails, and all that. Is that person not getting enough attention that have to claim they are receiving "death threats"?

I have seen plenty of drama on plenty of modeling websites but nothing to this extent. I'm actually glad I missed it.

Its actually given me an idea; If I ever receive any sort of death threats to me or my family, I'm not going to call the authorities, I'm not going to ensure that my guns are loaded and in stand-by mode, I'll just make an announcement on some obscure modeling forum and that should take care of it. What could possibly go wrong? ;)

(If it wasn't obvious, my tongue was planted firmly in cheek when I wrote that last bit)

Anyway, I enjoy being a member here even if I don't post much. I still visit everyday to see the awesome work and get inspired.
Facebook is not an obscure modeling forum unfortunately. :(

It's pretty obvious the reason they chose to smear us on Facebook is that they can't reach many folks on their own forum. Bottom line, no proof, just barking.
Facebook is not an obscure modeling forum unfortunately. :(

That's right and a lot of people can say anything they want. People will believe what they want. Doesn't mean it's true.

Has anyone asked to see the evidence? Anyone?? I asked the accuser for evidence once and it lead to the break up of this site a year and a half ago.
Well,everything that had to been told is being told....

Maybe needless to say,but I say it anyway:I SUPPORT MODELERS ALLIANCE! (y)

Greetings,Ron Schroeder,AKA ReconRon,AKA Ron-the-non-cheese-eating-Dutchman.... :D
Facebook is not an obscure modeling forum unfortunately. :(

Yeah, I typed that before checking facebook. Imagine, a bunch of modeling nerds(of which I am one) are rushing to the defense of a cute blonde chick. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say! :blink

Edit: I meant I'm a nerd, not defending anyone on FB.
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