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A "simple" build...

A build...

WOW very impressive, this guy does things I would call impossible, but he does it :notworthy

Thanks for sharing Chuck!

Cheers Erik
A build...

I can't see it!!!!

I'll check it out when I get home.
A build...

Wow, I'll say :blink Very impressive.

Also kind of funny since I have a couple of Brit bombers on the short list . Won't be that involved though since it's 1/72 and I'm not as good as that. :sick:

Cheers, this will be a good reference if I ever get to the Whitley ( not an easy build ) .

Cheers, Christian B)
Wow wish I could build that good. Half the time I have trouble remembering which end of the airbrush the paint comes from.
When I see such top notch builds like that, and a lot of the builds here, I dont know whether to feel inspired, or defeated.
you know what really impresses me with scratch builders is how they keep to scale when you are working in sizes that you can really measure without digital s.