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A Fun Day was had by All

Who needs man power when I got Cindy power!
That's right, my lovely bride donned her work gloves and gave me a much needed hand getting the roof panels on.
It was a busy day, I stated a beef stew first thing in the am, made a trip to Lowes once again for some more 1x4 that I needed to screw in the roof panels up by the nailer. Then when the roofing was done we made a trash dump and I went under the house to change the water filter!

It ain't pretty but it'll keep rain and snow out. Hope the wind don't get it though..

I think it's pretty clear I'm going to need some more 2X4 rafters, pretty sure I can slip them in under what I got now. I need to figure out how i'm going to finish it out on the trailing end. But for the time being, I got enough coverage to get my compressor moved out there and hook it up!
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Why not run a bird block along the end of the roof between the rafters. Will it fit between the metal and the beam?
Thanks John, I need to extend the roof further out. Those are 10' 2X4s for rafters, I was under the impression I had 10 foot panels already lined up but it fell through. Ended up wth a choice between 12 foot and 8 foot panels, the 12 footers were a great deal more expensive. I think I could get like 4 more sheets of 8', cut them in half and tuck it under the roof panels. That'll get me nice over hang. Then I can finish out then end with the bird block or facing.
Looks good there Boss! Sorry that I was not able to lend a hand yesterday. I'm sure it will pass the function test with the forecasted Rain, Snow and Ice today. 🥶
Looks good there Boss! Sorry that I was not able to lend a hand yesterday. I'm sure it will pass the function test with the forecasted Rain, Snow and Ice today. 🥶
I want to get dressed and go out and check it but there's freakin ICE in the trees. Baby it's cold out there.
Don't worry about lending a hand, don't think I put the call out anyway. Cindy had fun doing the QA inspection as we worked. She kept asking me why we did it this way, that don't look right... :rotf
OK I did it. Braved the eliments and checked how dry things were. Since I don't have much of a overhang along the perimeter it was wet and icy but against the shop wall was dry, everything stored under there was dry and I saw no evidence of leaks from the roof or against the seal. Mission Accomplished!
And we have ice accumulating on the drive way and ground. Ho what fun!
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Well the fun continues.
After being the butt of several jokes from my carpenters Brother and Bro-in-Law I decided to take action.
Back to lowes for some more 2x4x10s to retrofit some more rafters.

It was very easy to add them in, I placed the hangers about center to where the existing ones are, ended up roughly 24-25 or 26 on center. Much better than the spacing before. Hell I might even be brave enough to get on top of it once it's all done. Counting from closest to you and away. # 4 and 6 are the new ones.

So there there's the question of the obvious, I'm sure you already see it. The 4X4 that's sagging. I have no doubt it's not from stress but just a bad piece of wood.
Should I replace it, Flip it? Having just type that I think I stand a better chance flipping it than replacing.
Whatcha think?
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Well the fun continues.
After being the butt of several jokes from my carpenters Brother and Bro-in-Law I decided to take action.
Back to lowes for some more 2x4x10s to retrofit some more rafters.

It was very easy to add them in, I placed the hangers about center to where the existing ones are, ended up roughly 24-25 or 26 on center. Much better than the spacing before. Hell I might even be brave enough to get on top of it once it's all done. Counting from closest to you and away. # 4 and 6 are the new ones.

So there there's the question of the obvious, I'm sure you already see it. The 4X4 that's sagging. I have no doubt it's not from stress but just a bad piece of wood.
Should I replace it, Flip it? Having just type that I think I stand a better chance flipping it than replacing.
Whatcha think?
might it just be all those knots in the wood that is weakening it?
Didn't know that about knots. that's what scale modelers shouldn't build things...at least this one. Thanks for looking Dave. :vgood:
You have just experienced why plywood is stronger than solid boards. The 4 x 4 timber, especially treated material, will warp and twist as it dries. A better beam would be two 2 x 6 with a piece of 7/16" OSB sandwiched between and fastened from both sides. The OSB is a spacer to make the beam the same width as the posts, but also adds strength to the beam. You could substitute 2x4's now if you don't want to cut off your posts. :sawall
Or add a vertical post between the posts you already have to shorten the span of the beam...
Thanks Mike, don't want to add another post and it's not like it'll be under great load. I got another 4X4X8 if flipping it doesn't work. Then again, I could throw a tarp over it....:rotf
Thanks Mike, don't want to add another post and it's not like it'll be under great load. I got another 4X4X8 if flipping it doesn't work. Then again, I could throw a tarp over it....:rotf

:lol: Yeah, the old modeler's trick! "If you can see it, so can the judges"! LOL!

Mike's solution is the best idea. Still, if it's easier to just replace it with another 4x4, then hey, who am I to say anything? Personally I couldn't see the pic so I don't know what I'm talking about anyway.

what's this? Insulation and drywall?
Thanks bunches to Eric for helping me get 6 rolls of insulation and 1.75 sheets of drywall up. The greater goal here today was to get that dry wall up on the wall before the HVAC crew shows up on Tuesday to install our new system (long story...). I asked them to throw in installing my "DIY" system.
One thing Eric and I learned today is I'm hiring out whatever work I'm going to do on the ceiling! 😒
Next installment comes after much delays in time. I got a new Samsung air unit installed after the "Mr Cool" problems (not going to get into all that).

I got the shelves finished up the other week and started moving long term storage stuff in there.

Bruce and Eric came up nice and early before the heat index climbed to high and we got some major work done.
First order was getting the loft cleared out and repacked. since we had everthing out we figured might as well put the 4" foam insulation in place. After many cuts, measurements and eyerolls at each other we got the job done.
This was the best glamshot we could get with Eric armed with the liquid nails.

We got the kitchen table dismantled and stowed up in the loft, rearranged other storage and then the lay out of the shop. Modeling shop is to the west,

As you can see I got a lot more room to move about and the bench is clear to be stocked and lit up.
The east side of the shop will be the electro/mechanical shop

More insulation is on order for the roof and I have to get some more foam for the barn door end.
The Samsung AC did a great job of keeping things cool considering the 105 heat index we were facing when we gave up work.

I think it's all on me now to get my modeling bench up and running and man, I'm really wanting to get that done ASAP now. I have nothing in the way stopping me now.

Big thanks to @errains and @iambrb for treking up to Rancho Due West and giving fat boy a hand again! :mpup