wow, a full year plus a month since i've been able to model.
Thanks again to Eric and Bruce for making the trek out to the West of the Due to help finish up some heavy lifting now the ceiling is insulated. Couldn't have done it without y'all! Literally.
This is what they walked into on Friday last.
Electrical/Mechanical section
Modeling section. sorry bad picture but you get the point.
I thought I got some aftershots, it was really cleaned up.
The fun part was cutting that big 4X8 foam to fit the barn door end, Eric made the best call in stating we should have only one measure control director taking measurements. Shame I didn't get a shot of it but we cut it out and nailed it first shot. Dry fit was soo close I could have left it up there. Needless to say I didn't, used liquid nails to secure it. Cut some more foam to fill in the spaces.
Looking at the app for the AC I can see temps are stable and power consumption is lower. We hit 110 heat index earlier tis week and the temp in side the shed was not over 75, and that was before the other end was insulated.
I shifted the Modeling section down overtakening the E/M Section with no complaints. Still plenty of room on that end. I picked up these light bars from Costco for less than $50 and after sleeping on it, got a 48X16 piece of shelving board, some heavy duty brackets and mounted it all. Moving the whole rig down got me access to the 4 outlets I installed and made room for a photo box to my right.
This thing, it's going to be my mobile paint rack.
I got these fingernail polish racks off amazon and I'llmount them to that old shelving board that I attached as a backing to the rack. The rack has wheels. Hell everything in the shop is on wheels for mobility. What I gotta figure out now is what can I use on the top of that grated racks to give paint and stuff a flat surface to sit on. The rolled shelf liner doesn't work as it's rolled up and needs a bit of weight to flatten out. Maybe some thin scrap formica or similar stuff.
anywho...I should be making major headway now, all the work is on me now, I'm not depended on anyone to help and it's up to me to git'er done.
Hopefully next post I make is wrapping up the SAS Jeep and toothless dragon.