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A couple new builds, Nanzan and Reppu

The preshading on the undersurfaces went very well, next up will be masking and painting the yellow ID markings on the leading edge of the wings. No new in-progress pictures until this series of wind/rain storms moves out of here.

At last! Some new pics...


The frames for the canopies were hand painted and not masked, they were actually hand painted twice, first with the interior color and then with the exterior color. There was no way I was going to use Tamiya tape and mask off the canopies and airbrush the colors on, that would have taken a long time to mask off all the glass on these canopies. :eek:hmy: Hand painting them looks about as good as masking them off in this tiny scale.

Thanks James,
On 1/72 scale and smaller I prefer hand painting the canopy frames, ditto for spinner spirals...its so much quicker and easier than masking them.

Thanks guys!
The only showing off I have done so far was just getting the Reppu airframe built...yes, this kit was that bad. :D

A very poor pic but its better than none at all, here you can see all the decals are on these two models and they also have had their second coat of Future to blend in the decals.

The colors in the above pic look really odd but thats because I took it on a dark day inside my carport, another storm is just about to hit my area.

These two are now finished, I just barely made my deadline of Dec.31st 2012. B)


I might have to wait a day or two to get proper pics of these models, it was supposed to be clear today but instead it has been cloudy the entire day with rain off and on...not ideal conditions for getting outdoor pictures. :bang head

Thanks guys!
The sun came out long enough today to get some new pics of the finished models, sadly for me after looking at the pics I might delete most of them and try again as they were not very good. :idonno
My biggest issue with taking the pics was having shadows from tree branches screw up the shots, this time of year the sun is at such a low level the sunlight is filtered through a lot of tree branches, my home sits in a small valley where I only get a very short window for having any sunlight. My next chance for taking new pics will be sometime tomorrow.
