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2cm Flakvierling shells


Master at Arms
Does anyone know a site that does good pictures of the above plus the ammo cans that you stick into the side of the guns ?

Ive tried google but for some reason Im getting sh@tloads of information regarding those 1/6 action Figures although very good and quite interesting its not what Im after

Thanks in advance :drinks
Found this on: Quest Masters


As the guns used on a Flakvierling are 2 cm Flak 38's,this might be what
your looking for.

Hope this helps...
Excellent, that does indeed help out a lot
Thanks Ron !!!! :drinks

However does cause another problem on how to get 2 shells in the top :lol:

I dont suppose you know what the shell top colours signify?
However does cause another problem on how to get 2 shells in the top :lol:

I dont suppose you know what the shell top colours signify?

To get 2 shells in the top is very hard to do.....
I tried with the Mission models 2 cm shells.......I failed. :blush:
But maybe you are more skilled then I am on that matter. :idonno :)

For about the shell top colour;you got High explosive,tracers,Armor piercing....
But that is also explaned on the Quest Masters site.


Here is another Cool site for German Ammo boxes of all Types !! - http://wehrmachts.kisten.free.fr/sommaire_flak.htm

It's in French but with a translation program like Google Translate it'll automatically translate it for you. It really shows a lot of Cool Stuff !!

Cheers guys very helpful

I have the Griffon shells and I trying to think how to do it>>> filing out the canister with breaking down the sides

I have the canisters in photetch but alas photoetch dont like Andy :angry:
As said above but with extra details:-

Olive green, olive drab or field grey: High explosive (only non anti-aircraft), anti-concrete, smoke, chemical or hollow charge shells, and case shots.
Black: Armour piercing shot or shell.
Yellow: Anti-aircraft high explosive shell.
Red and blue: Anti-aircraft incendiary shrapnel shell.
Pale green: Star shell.

You also find a 1cm wide band under the main colour, this is the tracer colour for that shell. e.g All yellow with red band at the bottom equals HE with red tracer.

Thanx Bro ! Very helpful info on th Colors !! - as I still have this Kit on th Bench. :drinks

ANDY - I fell your Pain with these Magazines !! I really couldn't get th Griffon ones to fit in th Gun , so I used th Dragon Magazines in th Gun & will have th Griffon ones laying about .... How well to th Bullets fit in th Magazine ? I've only built 2 of th Griffon Magazines & haven't tried to see if th Bullets fit ....
Luckily Erik I had some Tamiya mags from an unbuilt old project in the spares box and just updated the interior with the Griffon Etch

However I did file out the inside enough to get one round in but I`m worried that I would`nt be able to get another one in without messing up the sides as they are already a little thin. :D :D

You could always show th Empty Mag & have th loose shells laying beside it .. like it needs to be reloaded ? Just a thought . :idonno