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21 CM Morser

:zen :zen :zen :zen :zen
Put it aside and let it rest in peace, covered by dust :stinker and enjoy a good kit instead!
To bad they have so bad kits...
I put away broncos 25pdr, so overdone so i can't get it together, bought the dragon one instead, looks much better :D
I found the same thing Mats. Got the trailer half together and it was so intricate and tiny I stopped. I have the Dragon kit. Hey, thats a gun Doh!! :bang head
I'll take a look at the Dragon 25 Pounder when I get home from work.
Well I'm not too thrilled with this kit. Lots of fiddling with very minimal location ques. Will have some pics later this morning of where I am.

That is a sure sign that the kit is 'inspired' by a resin model... probably Precision Models kit. I do hope you will post photos so I can send to Trumpeter (yes, I know they don't care but I like letting them know anyway - especially since I have one in the stash.)
