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2012 Aircraft Models in Progress by the Duke.

Thanks Dave. That B-57 probably won't get done since I seem to have lost the canopy and decal sheet. The guy I got it from thinks they may still be in his stash of models, but he's out of state right now and unable to get to his stuff in storage.

I will be doing more on some others, hopefully get a few done today...

Stay tuned.
Okay people! here's the rest of the nice looooong update for these last couple weeks. I've had some great Hobby Days to get things done. I apologize in advance for some of these pics. They were taken with my camera phone and it isn't always easy for me to get clear shots. Anyway, on with the Factory Tour. The Armor Branch can be seen in Ground Power.

First off, I'll update you on my C-130A Hercules. As I'd mentioned before; I'd broken three propeller blades and lost one. Well, time to modify one from an old C-130 kit that was unbuildable due to warped parts. Here is the comparison of the two blades. One is obviously bigger and wider:


So, I placed one on top of the other and marked the dimensions of the smaller one on the bigger one:


Next I carved away the excess to get the basic shape of the blade:


Next I sanded the blade so that it had the same contours and thickness of the original blade. This is the result:


You can see how well the new blade matches the others here:


After that, I repaired the other two broken blades, and then added the broken landing gear and one of the broken off landing gear doors. Here it is before I touched up all the paint and other details to finish it off:


Moving right along, I was able to finish the sanding and filling for the F-18 Hornet. Looks good now. I also added the canopy to the cockpit as well:


That Hornet is now ready for the canopy to be masked and for it to be painted.

While doing all that, I finally got all the support beams on the mooring tower of my R-100 airship model. I painted the small tower windows and now this tower is finished. It just needs to be fastened to a base so it doesn't topple over when I put the R-100 on it:


By the way, all the open windows in the base of the tower were 'glassed' in with Testor's clear parts cement and window maker. Now all I have to do is find the three little engine pods for the airship, get the tiny propellers on them, and then decal the thing and it'll be done.

To wrap this up, I also finished my three little Japanese tanks and my C-130A Hercules, but my batteries ran out so I couldn't take the pics. I'll see what I can find in this house and hopefully get them posted later on.

Meanwhile, that's my progress for the last couple weeks. Enjoy the pics, and remember that comments are welcome. Thanks for looking in.
Thanks Dave! I'm trying to pick up my aircraft construction a bit; as well as complete some projects that have sat for far too long.

Stay tuned for more!
Thanks guys! Pretty soon I should be able to post more. Here's hoping I can get some time soon.

I appreciate all your comments, they keep me motivated to build more!
Okay, here's a small update showing the work I got done before I got sick on Monday, as well as a little work I got done today while feeling a little better. I'm still fighting this, and I'm hoping to get this all posted before my meds kick back in again.

Okay, here's the aircraft I worked on. The armor progress is shown in Ground Power. Lots of small steps done here; it almost seems unworthy to post. But, I got this done and I'm gonna show it off.

I'll start with the AN 12 Cub. I completed the final assemblies on this model and removed the masking from the clear parts. I also broke the forward landing gear about four times in the process. For the most part, all I have to do is paint the canopy frames on the nose and tail and this puppy is done.....except for the obvious of course.



Maybe someday I'll be able to call that one done. Saul, any word on a canopy? I'm sure ready for one!

Moving along, I also got the bottom of the F/A 18 Hornet painted in a flat gull grey. Later, I'll mask it again and paint the upper part in a darker grey before I clearcoat this for decals:


Next I decided to glue the R-100's mooring tower to a wooden base that I will be 'landscaping' later. Here it is:


I also cemented on two of the three engine nacelles to this airship. I'm hoping to find the third one or I'll have to find something of a similar shape to scratch another engine. Here it is upside down:


Finally, while looking for something else; I found the missing clear parts to my Privateer that I'd started so many many months ago. These went missing when the stinking model took a dive off a nearby table shattering the two waist positions off the fuselage, right after I'd already glued it all together. Well, I figured I'd better get these installed now before I lose them again. Here they are all rebuilt:


Okay, that takes care of my aircraft. Man it would be nice to finish some of these darn projects! I'm getting sick of them sitting on my workbench! Meanwhile, feel free to go check out my armor progress in the Ground Power Forums.

That completes this week's work on my aircraft. As you can see, a lot of small stuff got done, but at least I'm that much closer to finishing some of these models. Remember, comments are welcome and I appreciate everyone stopping in to see these.
Thanks guys! My third transport just may be finished soon. Then I'll have two of the three done. That will feel good.

Stay tuned for more!
Thanks guys! Glad you like them.

Dewertus, I'm sure the decals are only for WWII. I don't have any aftermarket decals or parts for a Korean War version. I never researched a Korean War one anyway; I simply wanted to get it built OOB.
That's some intense building there, very nicely done!
The airship and tower looks really neat.
Well everyone, despite my being sick; I managed to get a little extra work done that I feel is worth posting. It's been slow going on my aircraft mostly; and an endurance run on my armor, but I'm seeing some good progress. Hopefully I'll be back in the saddle fully soon.

Meanwhile, here's what I got done so far, starting with my aircraft. As I mentioned, it's been some slow going.

First off, I got the two-tone grey painted on my Hornet. Now she's ready for clearcoat and decals, then adding the landing gear and weapons loadout:


Next, I also assembled the cockpit and nose section of the Privateer and added it to the main fuselage. There's a prodigious amount of bullet fishing weights inside that nose to keep this from flopping back on it's tail:


That's one heavy model! Now to get all those filled seams sanded down so I can add the wings and move on.

Finally, I got tired of the Aardvark cluttering up my workbench so I made some more small progress on this one too. I assembled the air intakes on the sides and added the base of the burner cans to the rear of this plane. Soon I'll add the tail surfaces and then see how much weight I'll need in the nose of this beastie to keep it level. Fortunately, Hasegawa was nice enough to leave a hole in the front of the cockpit to add it!


The wings are just dry-fit on there for appearances sake.

Well, that's about all the progress I have so far. I feel I could have done a lot more if I'd been feeling better, but I'm pleased with what I got done with so far. At least I'm that much closer to completing some of these! Feel free to check out the Ground Power Forum for my latest progress on my armor.

Thanks again everyone for looking in; as always, comments are welcome.