Master at Arms
My Grandson's birthday is coming up and he likes Kubelwagens, so since I was able to get one at Soonercon that was of low parts count to make it a quick build, I decided to build this 1970's era Tamiya kit of the Kubelwagen for his vehicle collection. Since I had gotten two of them so my Grandson could build one later, I started on this one yesterday. It really is a very basic kit, so he should be able to build a pretty decent model with it without getting discouraged by a high parts count. I figure that if I can make this look pretty decent, it will motivate him to put his together.
There really isn't much to this kit. It took longer to clean up the flash from the parts than it took to put it together. I did need to use a bit of putty as the parts do not fit together very well.
I will add the wheels and shovel after I paint the model.
Like most of my models, I primed it with Krylon Flat Black spray paint. Like the Tamiya Dingo that I am also currently building, I was planning on applying very thin layers of the khaki color that is close to the yellow color that was used in German Camo Patterns. Unfortunately, the spray can had some problems and the paint splattered out of the can leaving a crappy finish. So, like I did with the Dingo, I sprayed it with Krylon Khaki which was too whitish/tannish for my liking, so as soon as it dried, I brush painted the model with Vallejo Khaki and it looks a bit better now.
Next will be to paint the camo pattern. I plan on using at least the driver that came with the kit to man the Kubelwagen. These older figures are horrible compared to those of today. However, back in the late '70s and early 80's when I was starting to work on figures, they were cool.
Thanks for looking.
There really isn't much to this kit. It took longer to clean up the flash from the parts than it took to put it together. I did need to use a bit of putty as the parts do not fit together very well.
I will add the wheels and shovel after I paint the model.
Like most of my models, I primed it with Krylon Flat Black spray paint. Like the Tamiya Dingo that I am also currently building, I was planning on applying very thin layers of the khaki color that is close to the yellow color that was used in German Camo Patterns. Unfortunately, the spray can had some problems and the paint splattered out of the can leaving a crappy finish. So, like I did with the Dingo, I sprayed it with Krylon Khaki which was too whitish/tannish for my liking, so as soon as it dried, I brush painted the model with Vallejo Khaki and it looks a bit better now.
Next will be to paint the camo pattern. I plan on using at least the driver that came with the kit to man the Kubelwagen. These older figures are horrible compared to those of today. However, back in the late '70s and early 80's when I was starting to work on figures, they were cool.
Thanks for looking.