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1/72 Revell Flower Class Corvette H.M.C.S. Galt


Active member
Ahoy there me hearties!

I've started this thread to carry on from my post of the other day in the Alrighty what are you doing today thread. I only intended to post one message there.

Yesterday was Test Day #1 to check the trim of the model. This is what the model looked like on the water. The open bridge area is just attached temporarily to the model. The main decks will be cemented in place ones the ballast is changed to correct the trim - list to starboard.

The model is 34 inches long and about 5.5 inches wide. Ballast is acquarium swtone mixed with silicone sealant and plaqce inside the hull on the bottom. This allows for removal of ballast if needed but is also firmly in place.No U-boats were spotted but there was a snapping turtle sunning itself on a log and watching the proceedings.

Thanks for looking and for your interest.

More info from the Alrighty... thread

nerdling wrote: Would that be a 1/72 Flower class corvette?
Ahoy there matey.

Just lost my reply because I used the backspace button when editing the post. :<)

Yes, it's the 1/72 scale Revell kit.

It's an older kit that I picked up at the hobby shop a couple of years ago instead of the 1/72 scale Tamiya Vosper perkasa kit I was going to get. Both kits were $85.00.

Revell has re-released this kit as a Premium Edition with metal parts, PE parts and I think some lazer cut wood decks for the bridge area and the foredeck. It's now a bit more expensive at $239.99 now.

The older release has some issues such as round parts out of round and clear parts that are too small to fit. I hope the Premium Edition correct those problems.

Thanks again for your interest.
Ahoy there me mates!

I took the model back over to the pond this morning to check the trim after removing some ballast last night. I took an X-acto knife in case I needed to remove an y more ballast. I can hardly believe it but my guesstimate was bang on and no more ballast needed to be removed! The list to starboard is completely gone and the model is just a tad high at the bow which is good because theaddition ofthe rest of the parts will correct that so that the model is level.

Here are two images of the model underway today. Now I can secure the decks.

Here are two other images that show the radio gear and the ballast secured inside the hull.

Right now I have a 2-channel radio but hope to get a 4-channel radio later. That's why I decided to use the ballast technique i did. It's realatively easy to remove some ballast later.

I also tested a depth charge I made. It worked really well - too well in fact. the police parked in the parking lot came over and told me not to do that any more.

Thanks again for looking and also for your interest. Now that the trim is good I can really make progress on this.

Avast there me hearties!

I seem to have lost the thread and the folder here that had the early stages of the build in them.

Here is a repost of the work I did on the 4" main gun. As supplied in the kit the gun and mount are really basic. I made a new mount for the gun. This new mount is made from a number of scrap pieces left over from other kits. The image pretty well describes what parts I used and how they were used.

Thanks again for looking and for your interest.


There is no way I'm going to try and attach bits of railings between each stanchion. I'm attaching a thin styrene rod to a stanchion and then wrapping it around the outside of the mount whilst applying a tiny bit of cement to each stancion/rail contact point.

I missed your previous update Peter, what was the dept charge that drew so much attention?

What will the extra channels get you?

It's looking good! :popcorn
I missed your previous update Peter, what was the dept charge that drew so much attention?

What will the extra channels get you?

It's looking good! :popcorn

Ahoy there Moonpuppy.

The depth charge was a chemical mix that made a nice bang and small colum of water once the water seeped into it. It was the bang - much like a firecracker - that caused the concern.

The extra channels on adio would allow me to turn the gun turret, raise lower anchors, turn on or turn off lights, operate a smoke unit under the stack or operate sound effects. I wouldn't do all of that as 6 channels radio is quite expensive.

Looking forward to this one. I've got this kit in my stash, and have been researching for awhile on it. Just picked up a really nice book from Squadron on the FCC, that I plan to use. Since its such a large model, I'm going to try to really detail my build, but it will be a static build instead of RC.
Looking forward to this one. I've got this kit in my stash, and have been researching for awhile on it. Just picked up a really nice book from Squadron on the FCC, that I plan to use. Since its such a large model, I'm going to try to really detail my build, but it will be a static build instead of RC.

A lot of great aftermarket stuff, guns and PE stuff, is avalable if you're doing a static model.

Good luck with your build.

Yea, I found that out awhile back, a ton of great photoetch sets are out there, and I've found the railing stanchions & such.

I'm thinking about giving my 3D design a go for creating parts for the model. I know there are several places I could give it a shot. I'm not sure if there was chain or wire rope used on the railing along the edge of the hull, but if its chain, that would be an awesome part to try 3D printing, so that the chain would actually be moveable. And then area's like the Hedgehog launcher I think could use the extra detail that could be achieved from 3D printing.
Ahoy me hearties!

I've been working on getting some subassemblies painted but am primarily working on the guns.

The 4" main gun is just about ready to go into the gun shield.

I made a basic sight for both sides of the gun, added a breech scavenged from an old 1/76 Airfix 5.5" gun and a wheel on the port side of the mount at an angle.

I also decided to improve the two 20mm Oerlikon cannons a bit.

I added a new rectangular breech and am making some basic styrene sights and shoulder braces or them. I used a bit of soda can aluminium to make some mouny=ts to attach the gun shields to the cannons. Once again i labelled the photo so you can see what I've done.

Thanks for looking and cheers.
Some seriously cool looking stuff there Peter. Here is a link where you might find the black smoke http://www.hobbylinc.com/cgi-bin/s8.cgi?cat_s=&str_s=smoke
Then you could order there or try closer to home. Hope that helps.
Hey Tank builder,

Just had a peak at your thread. Your modifications to the kit look great!

I live just across the harbour from the last surviving Flower class ship, HMCS Sackville. They were quite the vessels, not sure I'd want to be on one when the weather turned rough!

Ahoy there.

Sharkman, it was stated that a Flower Class Corvette would roll on wet grass.

Well mates, I've been working some more on the 20mm and 4" guns.
They are now assembled and primed. The primer shows a few areas that need a bit of touchup.

The starboard side of the 4" gun shield separated from the front when I put the gun shield
in the holder to paint. It's now glued and the glue is curing again in the clamp holding
the shield together.

Here are a few images of the guns as they look now.

4" Main Gun & the two 20mm Cannons

I see that the sight mount on the 20mm in the right of the image shifted a bit as it was curing.
I'll correct that.

Rear View of the three guns.

Starboard view of the guns. I see a bit of mold seam that needs to be removed.
Also a few glue hairs hanging around.

These aren't the best looking guns available but they do look a lot more like guns
than the kit ones did. And everything except the braces on the 20mm shields is styrene.

I hope to paint the details and add the gun shields tomorrow.

Thanks for any interest and comments.