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1/72 Revell Flower Class Corvette H.M.C.S. Galt

Excellent work! I'll have to remember this stuff when I start building mine up.

Ahoy there Adam.

If you are, unlike me, an enthusiast for all the detail and corrections for a
Royal Canadian Navy Flower Class Corvette this fellow did two of them - a short forecastle variant and the later
long forecastle variant. Here's the link to his long forecastle variant build. It's H.M.C.S.Chilliwack,

Note, that NOT ALL RCN Flower Class Corvettes had the modified engine housing that he made.
You need to check to see which ones were modified and which ones were not.
I modified my engine room cover BEFORE I discovered that H.M.C.S.Galt was
one of the ones that DID NOT HAVE that modification.

I hope to post some more in-progress images of my build soon.

Thanks for that link! I think I've seen that one before, but I dont remember whether I saved the link or not.

I'm still trying to decide for how much detail I want to attempt. Its such a large kit that it just screams for detail. I've got the very excellent Ship Craft "Flower Class Corvettes" book, and I've been reading it for the last few days. I've been looking at the different configurations that were used on the FCC's, and I'm starting to lean toward going w/ the "Modified Flower" varient that had more AA guns on the stern.

Specifically I'm looking at the HMNZS Arabis which was a "Modified Flower"


There were several changes to the "Modified Flower" class. They added what they called sheer & flare, which helped the ship to ride through rough seas easier. This caused the 4" gun to have to be raised to allow for better visibility over the bow, which in turn required a taller bridge.

Armament consisted of 6 regular & 1 double barrel 20mm Oerlikon w/ 4 of the Oerlikon's being aft of the bridge around the rear bandstand that normally held the 2 lb Pom-Pom gun which was replaced by the double barrel Oerlikon. Depth charge rails were parallel to each other instead of slightly angled to each other, and it appears they had an increased capacity of 12 DC's. There were 4 DC launchers forward of the DC racks on the stern, that launched to the sides. And then on the 4" gun on the bow, it had 2 2" rocket racks attached to the splinter shield on the 4".

I'm going to have to look at where the Snowberry fit into the line of ships but I'm guessing it was a std Flower and not the Modified Flower, so its going to take some tweaking. The biggest thing will be to see if it has the added sheer & flare on the bow, and how that will affect my attempts to modify the kit if I go that route. Something that major might just get quietly bypassed and not modeled.

This book also has some excellent drawings of various parts, so I'm seriously thinking about trying to see if I can recreate things such as the Hedgehog launcher in 3D and then have them 3D printed to have more accurate & more crisply modeled components.

Once I start building it, I'm sure it will be a long term project, as a lot of the stuff I've considered doing is well outside my std comfort zone.
Ahoy there again Adam.

That's a nice looking Flower. It's similar to H.M.C.S. Kitchener which I almost built instead of Galt.
That was after I found out that H.M.C.S. Galt didn't have the shortened engine room cover.

Someting you might want to check. RCN Flowers carried extra depth charges.
They were stowed VERTICALLY along the engine room housing walls not horizontaly like on RN Flowers.
I don't know how the RNZN carried there's.

I stuck with H.M.C.S. Galt because I didn't want a bunch of stuff on it that could break of whilst
going to and from the pond or from launching or retieving the model. I also din't want it to become
a really long term project either.

You have a lot of work ahead of you to create a Modified Flower from that kit. Good luck.

Want to part with the crew figures?

I saw your post earlier, but got side tracked and forgot to respond. I didn't realize the kit had figures in it.

Sure, I'll send you the figures in the kit. Just PM me your address, and some time this weekend I'll dig the kit out and get the figures out of it. Right now its buried w/ several kits on top of it. It figures that its the kit at the bottom of the stack, haha.
I saw your post earlier, but got side tracked and forgot to respond. I didn't realize the kit had figures in it.

Sure, I'll send you the figures in the kit. Just PM me your address, and some time this weekend I'll dig the kit out and get the figures out of it. Right now its buried w/ several kits on top of it. It figures that its the kit at the bottom of the stack, haha.

Shalom Adam.

I sent you a Quick Message. I don't know if that's te same as a PM or not. I went to your profile but when I clicked Send Instant message I got redirected to my profile. Really weird that.

Another two sets and I'll have all the figures needed to make a crew ar action stations.

Thanks and ceers.
I sent you a Quick Message. I don't know if that's te same as a PM or not. I went to your profile but when I clicked Send Instant message I got redirected to my profile. Really weird that.

Yeah, weird...just did it myself. Well I'm not going to fix that, got other things on the short list to get done that will effect it all. :coolio
No problem, glad I can help.

At this point I've got no idea whether I'll put figured on mine or not. I've been looking at some of the CMK figures, and thought about using some of those. But in the mean time, I'm not using what I've got so they should be put to good use.


Nope not shanghied. My crew is only 15 strong the rest are AWOL.
A 15 man crew is too small for a Corvette on The North Atlantic route.
Thanks to James and others I should soon have a great complement of crew figures to convert and post at action stations.

Crew are on their way Peter. A week I think.

Ahoy there James.

That is great! They are really appreciated.

BTW, if you're building a R.C.N. Flower be VERY careful using the kit instructions.

Fortunately Revell incudes the parts for H.M.S. Bluebell although there are no instructionson how to use those parts.

The Bridge Wing side supports from Bluebell are the ones I needed for H.M.C.S. Galt and those had to be modified by removing some bracing.

The ROUND Radar Housing from Bluebell seems to be the most common one on R.C.N. Flowers NOT the Octagonal one the kit would have you use. That's great news though since the clear windows for the octagonal housing are too small to fit right but the round sections for the round housing are a drop in fit.

Images coming soon.

Thanks again and cheers.
Ahoy there.

I got some more work done on parts for the model.

The Radar and Radar Housing components are about done and I'll assemble it today.
I wanted to show the 2 types of radar Housing included in the kit.
It seems that MOST R.C.N. Flower Class Corvettes used the ROUND radar Housing NOT the multi-sided one the kit has you use. The clear glass in the round housing is an excellent fit. The clear parts for the multi-sided housing are too narrow in a couple of areas and thus don't fill the window spaces properly.

I used some metal 1/35 screen (from a M-109 SPG after-market set) that I didn't need for the kit it was designed for. The M-109 never used that screen where the AM people intended for it to go. VBG LOL

Here are the MODIFIED Bridge Wing Supports. NOTE, again these are the EXTRA ones in the kit NOT the ones the instructions say to use. I removed some of the bracing in order for them to match those in the photos of H.M.C.S. Galt that I have. At least i didn'y have to add horizontal braces to them. Check your ship if you're building a Royal Canadian navy version as there were at least THREE distinct sub-types used not counting to original short forecastles ones.

Here are the SIX assembled Carley Floats. Be forewarned; there's a lot of carving or sanding to get the two halves of each float to match up. I ended up cutting the raised oval off cmpletely that was in the middle of each lower half. After i did that assembly was much easier. Also be aware that the molded on grab ropes so NOT have the same pattern front and rear. You have to match the patterns too when assembling the floats. There are only FOUR Carley Floats in the kit. I lucked out and found someone who used after-market floats and got the kit ones from him.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to look very carefully at images of any R.C.N. Flower Class Corvette you wish to model. You also need to know when it was built as the first, IIRC, 80 did NOT have the modified engine room cover.

That's where I am at now. I'm adding the length I took off the engine room cover roof and side walls back. I was going to leave it but the shorter cover throws off the location of the Carley Float holders near the stern.

Thanks for looking and comments. Also a very hearty thanks to those who sent or are sending me the extra crew figures I wanted.

Until next time, cheers from Peter
Looking cool Peter. Quite interesting watching this. The best book bar none for This boat is Flower Class Corvettes. John Lambert & Les Brown http://www.amazon.ca/Flower-Class-Corvettes-Lambert-Brown/dp/1848320647/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1369508984&sr=1-1&keywords=1848320647
If you can find it in a library or buy it. Very helpful.
This is another good book, but more targeted http://www.amazon.ca/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=0851779751
This one might be interesting, but what a god aweful price. http://www.amazon.ca/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=1551250527
