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It all started back in Feburary of 2023..........

And here we are today. There is still lots of work to do, but I expect it to lay out like this. 140-foot 1850's paddle steamer, SS Fraser will be making her last trip up the wild, Fraser river in BC, Canada before the river freezes solid, to Quesnel, BC, with a cargo of dynamite, whiskey, salt pork, flour, lamp oil, mail and fresh Doxys.
You know, Mining supplies.
The base is made out of cast-off resin waste bits, c/a glue and Tamiya putty. This will be posed in late October winter. I'll used Carl Musselman's excellent Ice floe techniques as a guideline.
No friends, I will not bore the livin' dogsnot out of everyone with every minutia of my Minutia this time.
I will also attempt molding the river bank/dock base to make another "Diorama in the Box" kit.
Thanks for looking in!