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1/48 Skyraider...Finished

1/48 Skyraider...Fuselage Closed, Wing On

Time for a long overdue update on a very neglected build.

Work has occurred on the Skyraider. The first seven steps I believe are mostly done and here is what I have. The fuselage is closed up and the wing is on. There is not much there really.



Like I said not much. But to this point there really has not been much to put together. Next up will be to work on the details.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

1/48 Skyraider...Fuselage Closed, Wing On

Any progress is good progress, Joe.

1/48 Skyraider...Hardpoints Attached

An update.

Hardpoints are on.



As far as construction this is about it. All that seems to be left is canopy, tail wheel assembly, and the payload. Painting is close.

Not much to show but all comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

1/48 Skyraider...Hardpoints Attached

Very nice Joe ... this is a very nice bird .... :popcorn .... to see where it goes from here ... :salute :pilot :woohoo:
1/48 Skyraider...Getting Ready to Paint

Almost ready for paint folks.

The fuselage is ready.



The engine (closed) is ready.


And the payload is ready.


Next will be a Flat Black coat to preshade then onto the colors.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

1/48 Skyraider...Paint

Painting has commenced.

It is not pretty but I have been trying to get the cammo scheme right. In the end it is not perfect but I am going to live with it.

First steps.



Got all the colors on. Had some issue with the masking pulling up the paint in several places but got them on.



After letting them dry for a bit I sprayed a misty coat of the base colors mixed with Flat White. Once that had a chance to dry I went back with the original colors to try to give it the look I had seen in the pictures. I am not happy with the process. There has to be an easier way to accomplish what I did. However I am reasonably happy with the final result. Looks a bit harsh but the coming processes should help to tone that down some.



I am now calling the painting (fuselage anyway) done. I have other bits and bobs to finish off but the fuselage is painted.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.
