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1/12 Harley **DONE**

1/12 Harley (WIP)

Managed to get a few minutes on this this mornin' :D Got the fenders installed, now, I'll tryand get pics later on as I gotta take mom into town...

excuses excuses when you going to get to work and quit making excuses .... :bat :bat :bat
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Managed to get a few minutes on this this mornin' :D Got the fenders installed, now, I'll tryand get pics later on as I gotta take mom into town...

excuses excuses when you going to get to work and quit making excuses .... :bat :bat :bat

Aint an excuse Gerry! It's a fact o life... :eek:ldguy :drinks Just got back a few mins ago

Only 5 o'clock out there in the land of fruits, flakes and nuts .... Get to cracking .... Unless that what you have in your pipe ... :fencing :yipee :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :bat :bat
1/12 Harley (WIP)



1/12 Harley (WIP)

well that's pretty good old sport not a bad looking bike ... (y) ... I'll be watching to see when you finish it .... :popcorn ... Really didn't you had time to get this far .... :ro: :dude
1/12 Harley (WIP)

well that's pretty good old sport not a bad looking bike ... (y) ... I'll be watching to see when you finish it .... :popcorn ... Really didn't you had time to get this far .... :ro: :dude
Thanks Gerry :drinks
This build is a fun one & so far, nothing really hard nor time consuming with it. Although, there's a hose that comes with it for the plug wires, clutch & throttle cables which might be a challenge... :idonno :unsure:
Will try to get more done on it soon.
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Well :pinch: :bang head Spent a little time on this this mornin' & realized that Sprue "A" is MIA!! :eek:hmy: :blink :frantic I have spent a good portion of the am to look fer it & have yet to find it :gogo Had painted a few parts on it night before last, set it aside to dry on the bench against it's box with paint jars supporting it...

Ok, note to self: When grand-monkey comes to visit, make sure things are outta reach!!
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Missing sprue tree has been found!! :dance :dance :dance :woohoo: B) Seems my grand-monkey had slipped it inside the 1/48 SNJ box :huh: Yeah, I just noticed the box wasn't closed very good/right. So, I lifted the boxtop & there it was!! LoL... He's a smart arse & he's just 18 months old!! :eek:hyeah :drinks
1/12 Harley (WIP)

REVELL done screwed da pooch on dis one!! :lol: :eek:hyeah


and the parts...



What y'all think? Suggestions... :idonno :frantic
And no Gerry, I can't go there... :evil: 's still got a restraining order out on me :bang head
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Not sure the problem. The tail of the T on the license plate holder doesn't fit the lower slot?
1/12 Harley (WIP)

REVELL done screwed da pooch on dis one!! :lol: :eek:hyeah

and the parts...

What y'all think? Suggestions... :idonno :frantic
And no Gerry, I can't go there... :evil: 's still got a restraining order out on me :bang head

What chew talking bout Willis .... ???
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Not sure the problem. The tail of the T on the license plate holder doesn't fit the lower slot?

You got it MP! The upper slot for the taillight is ok altho a bit big. & the lower square is too small for the license plate frame!! IF I put the frame on the taillight slot, it wont sit right nor look right
1/12 Harley (WIP)

REVELL done screwed da pooch on dis one!! :lol: :eek:hyeah

and the parts...

What y'all think? Suggestions... :idonno :frantic
And no Gerry, I can't go there... :evil: 's still got a restraining order out on me :bang head

What chew talking bout Willis .... ???

:idonno :eek:ldguy :idonno

Well I can't read you mind ... :idonno

It seems dat it went over yer head like a 747 :smack :lol:
1/12 Harley (WIP)

REVELL done screwed da pooch on dis one!! :lol: :eek:hyeah

and the parts...

What y'all think? Suggestions... :idonno :frantic
And no Gerry, I can't go there... :evil: 's still got a restraining order out on me :bang head

What chew talking bout Willis .... ???

:idonno :eek:ldguy :idonno

Well I can't read you mind ... :idonno

It seems dat it went over yer head like a 747 :smack :lol:

Well there wasn't e en a tail wind ... Stuck in 'ol Lodi once again ... :eek:hmy: :eek:hyeah :drunk
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Not sure the problem. The tail of the T on the license plate holder doesn't fit the lower slot?

You got it MP! The upper slot for the taillight is ok altho a bit big. & the lower square is too small for the license plate frame!! IF I put the frame on the taillight slot, it wont sit right nor look right

Got home about 5:30pm from my cousin's place & I'm still hurtin' :bang head Haad fun tho!! :D Hadn't been there for more than 5 mins & cousin Jerry broke out his .44 Mag & we walked down the hill & fired it off for a bit!! I had a hard time getting back up his steep drive way as my back started hurtin' real bad. He has several Harleys & also both his sons had their bikes there too so, I got to checking them out. Shoulda got the camera out of the truck but, wasn't thinkin' :facepalm
So, when I got home, I got to lookin' this problem over & think I may have a solution... I'll just break out the Dremmel with a cutter on it & notch the fender to accept the license plate frame... :hmmm
1/12 Harley (WIP)

Sorry about the delay in updating this... Seems I just found out that we have 2 different phone service providers CalTel (local & Something Century??? for long distance.) and mom forgot to paythe long distance carrier and they cut us off internet &phone! :blink :eek:hmy: :angry: :bat :bat :bat SHe called them, made a payment over the phone on the 8th yet, nothing happened so, she called them again & got a run-a-round for 2 days. I told her to call CalTel and get things straightened out & let them be our long distance carrier & let Century go piss up a rope.
Well, today we got back online & so I can now update this thread & others :drinks :dance




Decals done :D





taillight & license plate done & atached



nearing the finish line :drool