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Search results

  1. Barney

    Here we go AGAIN part 2

    Well, that was embarrassing! So, since the MS406 was missing a wing part, I will change directions and do the P-40E Nose Art. I was looking forward to the intricate Finnish Paint job (not) so that will have to wait for another time.
  2. Barney

    Here we go again

    So, I am almost done with last year's kit. That means that it is time to start this year's kit. I project it will be done sometime in the foreseeable future. Maybe. Anywho, here it is a nice little Hasi kit of the MS 406 in Finnish colors. I got the kit, I got the paint and a buddy is going to...
  3. Barney

    HalfTrack Help

    I needs some quick help. I am supposed to build a half Track for a group build, due 1st Sunday in March. I usually don't build armor so... What is an "easy" haul track to build up and paint?
  4. Barney

    Farewell, good friend

    Today we laid to rest the finest dog I have ever known. I am distraught and poor Carol is numb.
  5. Barney

    French Curtiss Hawk

    https://www.armahobby.com/70080-curtiss-h-75a.html Arma Hobby has introduced a NEW French Hawk (P-36) in 1/72. Can a 1/48 scale be far behind?
  6. Barney

    A new year, a fresh start.

    I have collected all the kits I have been working on and put them on the shelf of doom. Then, I carefully picked out THE kit I will start the New Year building. Ordered some decals and a couple of other things I can do to dress it up. God Help me... I have 8 other kits to work on and I picked...
  7. Barney


    Here is to Absent Companions and old friends
  8. Barney

    Hey! so who turned out the lights?

    Well, we had a heck of a storm last week and lost power. I suggested that SWMBO move her 95 year old mother to our RV (which had power) and I'd stay in the house too give them some Girl Time. I am so damn considerate. Anyway, I ended up in the ER with low blood pressure (73/45). It seems that...
  9. Barney

    Well, Crap!

    I have the flu. Don't call, don't write, don't come near me.
  10. Barney


    My youngest stepson and his wife just produced the first grandchild on SWMBO's side! Elizabeth Grace Miller- 18"- 6# 10oz. Carol is thrilled !
  11. Barney

    Kiwi Korsair

  12. Barney

    NATS 2024

    I had hoped to get to San Marcos last year. However, it was not in the cards. This year, I will be at NATS. Who is hoping to be there? SWMBO and I will be towing the mobile hotel room and hope to make it a fun time. Get those MA polo shirts out, hoist a few beers, and get ready for someplace...
  13. Barney

    I pledge allegiance...

    If anyone cares, "pledge" is still available on Amazon for the low, low price of $90 for a 27 ounce bottle. Hurry while supplies last.
  14. Barney

    Winter Wunderland

    I am working on what will be a Russian P-40 in temporary winter cammo. I'm thinking that I should paint it in the regular green and then just apply a "white" dusting, building up the layers until I get something I like. Any thoughts on the best way to do this??
  15. Barney

    Have a Holy, Jolly....

    What ONE model do you hope Santa leaves under the tree? I would like any Eduard Profi-pack. I have the new Magic Factory F4U kit and the Wilder-cat from Eduard....
  16. Barney

    Preparing to paint Japanese ww2 aircraft and was wondering...

    What is the easiest or best method for "weathering"? I know that Japanese primer was bad and the paint not much better... should I use a metallic, then the blue stuff (Aitoki?) then actual paint? Should I salt or hair spray on the last 2 coats? This will be my first real effort at weathering. I...
  17. Barney

    Arma Hobby's Spring Sale

    If you are a fan of Arma Hobby, they are putting on their spring sale (Ends 5/7/23). They are running a buy three get one free sale and selling off remaining stock of discontinued items. If you are a 1/72 fan and appreciate some of the nicest models I have ever seen, check them out before the...
  18. Barney

    Jim Mesko

    We have lost another great modeler: Jim Mesko. I met Jim years ago at Depot Train and Hobby in Cleveland and have kept in touch ever since. Author, Teacher, Great Modeler, and fraternity brother. I think my favorite model of Jim's was the Creature of the Black Legume that he took to the last...
  19. Barney

    Me Too

    Just holding the place until I get upstairs and decide what I will attempt. After mumble mumble years it is time to do something beside kibitz.
  20. Barney

    SAN MARCOS or Bust...

    SWMBO and I are planning the trip to San Marcos for Nationals. We are figuring on 5-6 days to get there. We will be staying at local RV park. All of the details are tentative at this time, but I wanted to get this out in the www so that plans can be made. If you plan on traveling to San Marcos...