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Search results

  1. P

    Sherman's top hat!

    Beautiful! :thumbsup I think the American version of Joseph Porta, a character in the novels of Swen Hassel...
  2. P


    Happy birthday from me too! :drinks
  3. P

    What is your stupidest modeling accident

    The only time I did not wear glasses, came off the syringe needle that I used to inject epoxy resin in a mold and a splash entered in my eye, running in the emergency room and one week of treatment. Luckily I have no permanent damage reported :(
  4. P

    "Near Cheux" June 27,1944 new dio

    Beautiful! The shaggy hair are really cool! :notworthy: With what you made?
  5. P

    Master Box - Fraulein, what are you doing today?

    I think MiniArt and Master Box have a great imagination and vitality that he felt need in our hobby ...
  6. P

    National remembrance day [NL]

    A heartfelt thoughts from me too ...
  7. P

    Lend-Lease Truck w/ ZIS-3 Gun

    Very nice, congratulations! :thumbsup
  8. P

    Anzac Day

    On April 25, in Italy we celebrate the liberation from Nazi-Fascism. The province where I live has been freed by the soldiers of New Zealand. I will always remember with great gratitude, along with all other allies who fought and gave their lives for our freedom and for all. THANK YOU
  9. P

    Italian Bersaglier with L6 turret

    Un vero capolavoro, complimenti! A true masterpiece, congratulations! :notworthy:
  10. P

    "Near Cheux" June 27,1944 new dio

    I really like your work, congratulations!
  11. P

    New modeling book due soon

    From what I see, I think it will be a really great book!
  12. P

    die Richtung..?

    Good job and great idea, congratulations! :thumbsup
  13. P

    Tamiya Horch 4x4 type 1a

    It 'came a very good job, congratulations! :notworthy:
  14. P

    Lanchester Armored Car

    Very beautiful, congratulations! :thumbsup
  15. P

    Happy Easter

    I wish Happy Easter to all friends of the forum and their families. What is an Easter peace and serenity for all ... :)
  16. P

    hello to Italy

    Ciao e benvenuto anche da parte mia! :)
  17. P

    Hase 48 F-104 G

    I'd like to make (I do not know when I have the time) the S /ASA-M of Italian Air Force, one present in the skies of the Adriatic Sea during the NATO war against Serbia. I have the kit in 1/32 Hasegawa, but I do not know if it would fit.
  18. P

    Little horse

    Semplicemente Fenomenale!!! :notworthy:
  19. P

    Some of my Jeep projects (many pics)

    It is coming very well, congratulations! :thumbsup
  20. P

    Lesson 8. 4 deuces plus. Update 4/14/12

    Re: Lesson 8. 4 deuces plus Magnificent work! Congratulations! The wheeled vehicles are my favorites and Construction of the grader is really fantastic :notworthy: