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National remembrance day [NL]


Active member
Today,May 4,we remember the victims of WW2 and other wars in the Netherlands.

In 2010 a screaming mad man caused for panic at the ceremony,several people got hurt.
[don't worry,the vid has subtitles]


That is a beautiful square, I love the architecture. It's too bad that there are graceless people who feel the need to disrupt a memorial like this. Thanks for sharing, Ron! :drinks
My thoughts are with NL's fallen heroes today. I dislike the fact that some think they have the right to disrespect such an important day. I hope those who were hurt recover soon.

Thanks for posting this Ron
There is always one or two who have been given the rite to freedom by the blood of others who ruin things for everyone. God Bless those who have, are, and will serve us and protect us.
Well there are ceremonies all over the country.
One of the most impressive is being held at the Waalsdorpervlakte where the Germans shot about 250 resistance people,many times after being tortured by the Gestapo.

