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What is your stupidest modeling accident

SA Dave

Well-known member
I was reading Jeeves Really crappy modeling session and realised we have all had em. The cutting blade dropping from the table and piercing the little toe moments. Or the decanting accident of 2006 that cost you to remodel the kitchen.

Here is mine. I was disasembling an old model and stabbed myself in the hand. After the worst bleeding has stopped I finished the job and.......put the pieces in oven cleaner. It did not burn ......for the first few seconds then the fires of hell started and it beeing a chemical burn it lasted an hour.

So Guys that was my stupidest moment WHAT IS YOURS?
when i started a new model kit, i inserted a brand new #11 blade to the grip, secured it and in that very second my exacto slipped out of my hands, fell and in a reflex action i quickly closed my legs ... don't ask!

the blade was in my left leg and it was in there really deep ...
I've been spared from those horrors, but once i made a diorama with water and i used 2 part plastic (the one you use for boats), i think it was a jeep or something like that that was crossing the water, but i must have made something wrong with the mixing because the model started to melt :bang head :bang head
Alot of work in the garbage but i was unharmed (atleast physically!)
Safe modelling! :zen
I've lost count of how often I've cut the tip off my thumb with my scalpel, and then followed it up with thinners in the wound... never a pleasant experience
I am so happy I am not the only one. Next time use ovencleaner it stops the bleeding immidiately :rotf
A fledgling modeler at the age of 14 was told not to use a blunt blade when cutting plastic

youngsters Mum buys new ceiling lampshade for bedroom

Youngster tried to cut plastic under lampshade

Blunt blade slips and goes into index fingers knuckle

Blood splatters up onto lampshade

Mum not happy......about the lampshade

Man you guys are clumsy! I think i have bled on almost every kit i have worked on, so i'm in good company.

My stupidest accident was when i was finishing up my Enterprise (the starship) and was spraying a little dull cote over the decals. That was the final touch.

When I was done I put it aside and grabbed a handful of pewter figures an old friend had painted years ago- Pat did an excellent job on these and used Ral Partha paint, so i thought they could use a little sealer and after lining them up, gave them a shot of the dull cote....

But i picked up a rattle can of gloss gull grey- the finishing coat on the Enterprise. I only did one side! :bang head
My dumbest modelling moment - as a teenager I'd misplaced my Exacto knife and tried to use a knife used for skinning sheep, 8 inch blade, razor sharp. Cutting pieces off sprue and ran blade straight into thumb :woohoo: . Thumb nail stopped it - straight to town for a stitch up
I had my exacto roll off the table and stick in my leg up to the hilt. :pinch:

Terry B)
This happened when I was a kid...

I was painting something white, and cleaning my brush in a cup filled with turpentine.

Then it was dinnertime, Mom let us eat at the model building table.

While eating, I went to take a sip of milk...guess what?

This happened when I was a kid...

I was painting something white, and cleaning my brush in a cup filled with turpentine.

Then it was dinnertime, Mom let us eat at the model building table.

While eating, I went to take a sip of milk...guess what?

Isnt turpentine also used as a very efective laxative? :hmmm
I am enjoying this keep em coming guys.
The only time I did not wear glasses, came off the syringe needle that I used to inject epoxy resin in a mold and a splash entered in my eye, running in the emergency room and one week of treatment. Luckily I have no permanent damage reported :(
I nicked my thumb on the top of a spinning table saw blade while cutting wood for a base. I finished the project before I went to the ER. My wife proclaimed that "nobody 'nicks' their thumb on a table saw." Once she saw it, her response was "only you." Of course that was after she chewed my butt for waiting to call her to go to the ER. :D
If I had done that to my Wife the ER would have been the best place for me.

Stupidest Modeling accident? starting the Pips Priller :pilot
Well its a toss up. I had a beautiful Bf 109 with really excellent mottling. Everything came together on this one. Went to the hobby shop for flat coat from Tamiya. Buddy sold me flattner. Never seen it before. He said water it down and its the same as flat coat. NO its not. Ended up with a frosty white airplane. Or there was the 1/32 Trumpy Avenger TBF-1C. Extra detailing inside and out. Montex masks and not too shabby. Went to the hobby shop to show it off. It was on the passenger seat. Hobby shop was closed so went to the magazine store and got a bunch of mags and some books. Threw them in the passenger seat and then went around to get the Avenger. Thats when I saw the mags and books and crushed model. I was a tad upset.
I sat on a model of a 251/22. :S

Then there was the time I spilled Testors liquid glue inside of the bunk area. After I got the spilled glue up with towels,I
noticed the fumes. I shut the truck off,and opened the bunk windows. It was August in Georgia when it happened.
I sat on a model of a 251/22. :S

I got one better. I sat on seven models at once. They were all in a cardboard tray I had filled with models I was going to take to my IPMS meeting the next day. I had stupidly put it on my chair and was looking around for something. I found another broken model and sat down to fix it, only to hear the sickening crunch of several other models breaking. I never stood up faster in my life.

Fortunately they were all fixable and I managed to get them all ready for the meeting the next day again.