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Search results

  1. ausf

    Reference Material on the Battle of Kursk

    I forgot about those James. I had them. You're right, excellent stuff. They've been asking that price for Vol 2 for about 10 years now. It's not realistic. I think I sold mine for around $180 after about a year of listing it. Vol 1 was pretty much list price. Whenever I placed a wholesale...
  2. ausf

    Reference Material on the Battle of Kursk

    In my experience, anything published by JJ Fedorowicz was always a great reference. Expensive, but exhaustive.
  3. ausf

    ROLL CALL!!!!!

    Testing. Am I alive?
  4. ausf

    All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

    Nice! I haven't started threads on these because they tend to be the kiss of death for me finishing, but I've been working on two Ryefield kits, the Easy 8 as Fury and the Late Tiger as 007. Some details needed on Fury, the mantlet coverframe and forward 30 cal mount as well as storage clips...
  5. ausf

    Now this is macro!

    Wow Paul, that's amazing. I discounted using the Resistance solderer with the microscope because I mounted the scope at one end of the bench with foot activated vacuum, but my vent for soldering is at the other. I could always move the scope I guess, but I'm set up with a 'clean' end for the...
  6. ausf

    Now this is macro!

    Yep. Look at this 1/35 old DML PE Iron Cross. I never noticed the '1939' before, even using the Zeiss head loupe.
  7. ausf

    Now this is macro!

    Thanks all. Paul, it's a 7X-45X Zoom Inspection scope. Pretty damn handy bit gear for basically the price of a few kits.
  8. ausf

    Now this is macro!

    Got an adapter ring to mate the Rebel to the microscope. Messing around with an iris in 1/35. Still need to define the eye with an upper and lower lid, but the tough part is done.
  9. ausf


    Bob, I was a bit skeptical about the tweezers. The one I had before (currently with Saul) had a lead that went to a grounding plate and a probe with a tungsten bit. So you laid the PE on the plate and touched the probe where you wanted, stepped on the pedal and zap, you're done. I was thinking...
  10. ausf


    I've been jonesing for a resistance solderer for a while now. I put the 1/700 Flyhawk Bismarck and 1/72 Revell Type VII back in the box because there was so much PE and I really can't get the hang of CA on it. I end up getting stuff stuck everywhere or flood it so there's visible surfaces...
  11. ausf

    Eindecker IV

    :soldier :drinks
  12. ausf

    Tamiya Jagdpanzer IV/70 Complete!

    Tamiya Jagdpanzer IV/70 Tools and Details 3/1/2020 B) :popcorn
  13. ausf

    Do you need a PE bending tool?

    For those interested. Ted, the engineer behind the Fender Bender we used to make has designed a 3d printable version for an online contest. It'll be free to anyone who wants it. I did a version a few years back to make in ABS resin, but decided against the hassle of it. But anyone with...
  14. ausf

    Seinaru tawagoto! Godzilla!

  15. ausf

    1/72nd U-VII crew. (6 figures)

    Looking forward to these. :popcorn
  16. ausf

    It's all about the timing.

    I hear ya Mike. This was a bin of ten plus years. Shoulda known better of course. Although I just started organizing again, and am doing it again. But I think I'll just move them downstairs again and toss them in 2030. :bgrin
  17. ausf

    It's all about the timing.

    So I decided I wanted to go back to some 1/35 sculpting, especially considering the new addition of the microscope. I've wanted to do a full 'Fury' set, really nail the characters in 1/35 since the movie came out, I guess it's time to get started. In my basement, I have two huge bins of...
  18. ausf

    Remember when the metallic pigment ruined my bench

    That wasn't far from my mind. I settled for gutting and completely rebuilding the shop, including painting and new tools. I tossed out about 15 years worth of buildup and kept only what I absolutely needed. It was actually refreshing since I got to reset things to make the work flow better.