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Heller 1/72 Feiseler STORCH Fi156/MS500

My Heritage is 3/4 German. Our family name is that of Rhein river sailors. In every tv show and movie Germans are the bad guys. This was quite a conundrum for a kid, finding his way in the Big Ol' World. I was conflicted as a much younger child about finding Germans I could admire.
Model making is all about historical fact (says the Guy that often fractures historical fact, just for the fun of it) Facts are not feelings.
If the facts don't appeal to you, make a different model. There are more than a few choices! :lol:
That's what I do, make what I like. In this case it was something I had and could make for the MMM month. Having never made a WWII German anything I didn't know it would affect me. I made a German Tornado jet and did not feel that way at all and had great fun with it. "tis what it is" I guess.
That's what I do, make what I like. In this case it was something I had and could make for the MMM month. Having never made a WWII German anything I didn't know it would affect me. I made a German Tornado jet and did not feel that way at all and had great fun with it. "tis what it is" I guess.
You done good, Lil' Brother! You done good!
Greg you just earned the ribbon for MMM so put it in your signature. If unsure, I am sure Bob can do it for you.

The ribbon:

As to the tilted symbol, here is where the name came from (From Wikipedia)
The word swastika is derived from the Sanskrit root swasti, which is composed of su 'good, well' and asti 'is; it is; there is'.

Thus it isn't from German, it is just an "ANCIENT" symbol that was taken for use by the "Evil Austrian" and thus the negative connotation was associated with it.

As for me when I do WWII German aircraft, I am doing a historical representation of said plane which includes the markings and history. I like the looks of said planes, thus have gotten into the research. The fact that certain idjits (or "I Dee Ten Tee" people ) use it for negative connotations still and the banning of it in certain parts of the world has strengthened that negative connotation, rather than it just being a symbol that was misused.

A little history and knowledge never hurts. It has nothing to do with the symbol, it is just what people have decided to put with it. Like "orange man bad" to use a current moniker which is just as crazy.
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In the book "Band of Brothers", the guys said that when they went into Germany that they felt that they had more in common with the populace than with any other country. There's a really good Christmas WW II movie that's on UTUBE called "Silent Night". My great grandfather came from Hesse and was on the Union side in the Civil War. He also lost his rt. arm at the Malvern Hill battle. Also my great great uncle lost a leg at the same battle fighting on the other side from my mother's family. Gary S.