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Moon Puppy in Texas

moon puppy

Staff member
I've been trying to get around to uploading these for a while, had a time today.

Had a job to do in Texas, first time I've been there since basic training in '82 and I wouldn't really call that a visit.

Here's the job we did, should have seen the before shot, I didn't get one. Regular rats nest, we pulled out 3 failed power supplies, 4 decommissioned servers. Replace the switches with brand new Cisco 9000 series, they should be running for another 20 years. I stayed there till Monday AM to make sure everyone cranked up ok so I had a down day on Sunday. Saw Midway, think I mentioned that already.


Had some TexMex like never before, dang good stuff man.


Gotta Whattaburger...ok.

And on to the local Air Museum. :pilot

They had a nice flight sim room in there. I did a couple of touch and goes, was able to put the wheels on the numbers and straight on the runway. Had to fight off some cub scouts who were getting impatient with me waiting their turn.. :smack But there were just too many of them. :woohoo:


My understanding is they all are in flying condition.

Everyone loves a Sandy!


Intemidating to say the least.


I don't know what this is but it sure is cute.

DC-3 looking good!







Shinny ain't she?!

So what's up with this?


Any B-17 junkies out there ever seen windows installed like this?

I would say this is non-standard.


And different vents to the side and rear of the waste air vents.




Battleship Texas, she's in bad shape, not even letting people on board now. Commissioned in 1914 so yeah, pushing 105 years old. You'd think with the money there is in Texas someone would step up and save her from the rust.


This is the battlefield where Sam Houston's Texan army took on Santa Anna. Battle of San Jacinto. Interesting place, you read about it, seen the movies but to walk the ground is a different experience.

I'm heading back in January but I doubt I'll have a down day this time.

Anyway, thought I'd share. Thanks for looking.
Hey, my neck of the woods, well a few hours South of me anyways.

That's a great museum as well, used to be in Galveston untill the last bad hurricane we had and cause major damage. Moved it inland after that.

It is sad what is happening to the Battleship Texas, we dont know what is going to happen to the great ship.

That picture of it is really depressing. :(
John I read that they are concerned about even dry docking here now thinking the internal structure can't support the super structure. I've seen plans to stand her up by supporting her from the sides but sure haven't seen any movement on her.
Bob,to my recollection that little wooden wonder that you don't know what was is a Mooney Mite.
Hey Tim, thanks
The sim we could play in was a light single engine like a Cessna 172. Very basic but nice flight model. They had something called an MX2 simulator that you could log actual FAA approved training time in.
Had to make a return trip to the same site, they are growing so good for them.
Same situation, gave myself an extra day in case something went sideways, of course it didn't. I was done at the plant by noon on Sat so I decided to go to the NASA museum, let's just say it was not my cup of tea, it was more of a kids experience site instead of a museum of space travel.


This was about the only thing that caught my interest. I just didn't see that many artifacts from the space race era other than mission patches and news articles. Maybe I missed a hall or something.

On Sunday I went back to the Lone Star Flight museum and wow what a positive change from 5 years ago!

First thing I noticed was both hangers had aircraft and some notable aircraft were missing, the Jug nor Fortress was there but they had other interesting subject and frankly, they had more NASA stuff than NASA did. They had the cockpit simulator for the shuttle, working toggles and all. Yeah I got to play cockpit hero a bit with the switches. I notice some lights changing on the panel when I did some so I figure I best not hit the wrong thing and blow an airlock or something. :rotf

They also had a new area documenting the history of aviation in Texas including space travel. Lots of kids running around but not like the disney atmosphere at NASA. It was good to see those kids getting their hands on the simulators.
I'll post more pictures when I get back home.
Oh BTW @Sharkmouth


I was thinking of you!
The Saturday I visited the Air Force Museum by Dayton, there were plenty of kids, but those that were there were pretty well behaved. (I guess the parents weren't of the "let them run around and be little shits" persuasion)
The Saturday I visited the Air Force Museum by Dayton, there were plenty of kids, but those that were there were pretty well behaved. (I guess the parents weren't of the "let them run around and be little shits" persuasion)
I've noticed that kids who run around and act like feral cats are soon removed at the MUSAF.