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Recent content by Heavens Eagle

  1. Heavens Eagle

    Its a Duck :)

    I went to HPH the other night looking to download the instruction sheet for the Me410 kit that they have. (Yes I have one of those as well) While they have links to said instructions, and you used to be able to download the manuals, those links are dead and you can't download their manuals...
  2. Heavens Eagle

    Its a Duck :)

    I have wanted one of these in 1/32 for years! Ever since I saw the movie "Murphy's War" years ago starring Peter O'Toole. In that movie he repairs a Grumman Duck aircraft so that he can sink a German U-boat that sank his ship where he was the only survivor. He even had to teach himself how to...
  3. Heavens Eagle

    AtlantaCon 2025

    (A certain island tune) A three hour drive... Then the weather started getting rough and the big old truck was tossed.
  4. Heavens Eagle

    Picture quality

    I can answer this as the site still has to store the full size image. The thumbnail can only help when loading a page on a really slow internet connection. What used to give me fits was folks loading twenty 2Mb photos in a single post.
  5. Heavens Eagle

    One Down One to Go

    Glen if you need info on the bus, I can do a Sharkmouth info on just about any of the old VW's just tell me what you need.
  6. Heavens Eagle

    Me410 A-1

    I managed to get quite a bit done this weekend. The Quinta decals came in so I was able to detail up the cockpit and get things assembled. I REALLY LIKE the Quinta Decals. They fit perfectly and the 1/72 seat belts were not a problem. The 7 micro levers were a pain in the can, but turned out...
  7. Heavens Eagle

    Meng Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow

    @Sharkmouth @Greg Kimsey Saúl, Greg, just build something! You have 23 days to get a ribbon.
  8. Heavens Eagle

    Ryefield Models M1240A1 M-ATV, US MRAP All Terrain Vehicle

    LOL! You just had to ask Greg, you just had to ask.
  9. Heavens Eagle

    Ryefield Models M1240A1 M-ATV, US MRAP All Terrain Vehicle

    I caught a short off of Farcebook that was showing some guy adding all kinds of wiring and added detail to one of these kits.
  10. Heavens Eagle

    Picture quality

    I gave up on my 3500 as it has never worked right and gone back to my L30 point and shoot. I usually tweak my brightness and contrast with it a little and it makes a difference. The photos I upload are usually 250k to 350k when I get done. That isn't bad for a slightly bigger than 1024x768 photo.
  11. Heavens Eagle

    Revell 1/720 DKM Graf Zeppelin 1946 Revisited

    Hmm this thread started 6 years ago on a build that started 16 years ago. I think we need to do a shelf queen build and come up with an award for the oldest build that gets finished. I can garantee that I have at least 2 builds that go back to the 80's.
  12. Heavens Eagle

    AtlantaCon 2025

    I don't know about Rhino, but I am at about 70% going to be there.
  13. Heavens Eagle

    MHF Crocker

    That is looking superb Paddy!
  14. Heavens Eagle

    Meng Boeing AH-64D Apache Longbow

    @Sharkmouth Way too much pink Saúl!
  15. Heavens Eagle

    AtlantaCon 2025

    When do they do the awards?