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Thanks Bob. I'll keep on waiting and see what happens. Did the road wheels rubber today. Then got into my next project which will have the same treatment. Only thing that has slowed me down is a spring has sprung.

Mike its Bob Letterman Magic. Hey that sounds like a title to a book or something :D

I haven't replied in a while.

James, nice going so far. Remember that the illustrations in the instructions are generic. Also, don't sweat the skewed markings as they were painted by hand. Did you notice that the link I provided only showed one side of the tank?

What magic is this??? :drinks :notworthy

No magic at all Mike,

The layer of paint when you wash with this method is so microscopically thin, that dry brushing on top of it will not reveal any uneven surface beneath it. Usually when you paint something with a brush, then dry brush over it, the process will bring out any brush strokes underneath. Not with this. Maybe now, you guys are beginning to understand why I make such a big deal out of the rectified turpentine. It has so many advantages over all other thinners throughout the painting and weathering process, to me it is irreplaceable!

I'll reserve comment on my efforts.


I have to tell you guys, between Bill, (WDS) and James, I'm sitting here shaking my head. I buy matt 72 by the case and have been using it for more than 40 years. I don't get where the blue/grey comes from. That has never happened to me.

Well, it's difficult to judge photos of a model that is hundreds of miles away. But complaining never gets results, so, onwards and upwards. There are two problems;

1) The color is off, and because you are using the colors I recommended, that blame has to land on me and:

2) it isn't done thoroughly and you are not to blame for that as well. I would have stopped early too if it had looked like that.

What to do? Well, first, I would tell you to make a new mixture after I look into it today.

Bill got the same color, so he switched to a mix of Matt 66 olive drab and matt 159 Khaki drab. From what I have seen, it worked well for him. Here is the link;


Then scroll near the bottom of the page.

Unfortunately, Humbrol has discontinued 159 Khaki Drab and it is no longer available. Like me, Bill probably had some in stock or was fortunate enough to find one of the last tins at his LHS.

James, if you will have patience, I will experiment with the colors you have and see if I can come up with a satisfactory mixture.

I promise I will post tonight the next lesson and include this phenomenon which I don't understand at all.

Most guys are following way behind, so, please, have patience, although I don't understand why, I have to take the blame!

My apologies,

I'll reserve comment on my efforts.


OK, I have found the problem. This is embarrassing, I made a mistake on the colors. I have always used Humbrol olive drab for this mixture. I remember the matt 72 number as I use so much of it. When I wrote the list of Humbrol colors, I used their color chart to get all the numbers. I saw olive drab, matt 66 and copied it. This morning, when I went to experiment with the colors, I reached for the matt 72 and then, when I picked up the olive drab, noticed it was matt 155 olive drab. I never knew that Humbrol made two olive drabs. I mixed my olive drab, (155) and the matt 72 khaki drill and it was as it always was. I don't even have a matt 66.

Here are two sections of the Humbrol paint chart. You can see where I screwed up.Look at matt 66 and matt 155.



This is an explanation, not an excuse. I should have discovered this before I told you guys to order this stuff.

Now, I have 5 unopened tins of the correct olive drab, matt 155. I will send one to James as soon as I have his address and to the first 4 of you who email me your addresses. That's the least I can do. I know Moon Puppy, Terry, and a couple others have started on this already. Bill, (WDS), solved it already because he had some matt 159 which is no longer available.

I will edit the original post to read the correct olive drab.

Email me at [email protected]

I feel like an idiot. All I can do is apologize. I'm really sorry!

Lookin' good James! (y) (y) (y) (y)

Maybe a bit more on the turret sides and top and the topside of the hull Go easy just as you did on the hull sides and you'll have it down pat!

Sorry it took so long to get to you, but you're kickin' butt now!

Okay. Will do a bit more and then start onto the next phase. Thanks Bob.And thanks very much for the paint.
I did the first wash of the tracks. Finally got them together and painted them Valejo oily steel. They dont look right so will have to reread and try again. I havent forgotten or given upon this yet. Pics when It looks right enough to be graded.