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51 yr. old 1/32nd AH-1G Cobra repair

Can the rt wing break off or will it be easier to send the whole thing? I might be able to smash form a new canopy. Did you get my PM? Thanks, Gary S. LGB XLV MMXXIV
Thanks!! Will be looking forward to it.
Gary, I finally got a box to send you the complete set of kit parts I have, a spare early canopy (no idea from which kit as it doesn't exactly fit), and all the parts I have of a Fujimi kit (later variant with angled glass). I simply need to use the measurements of the tail rotor & rear fuselage as template s to correct those in the Special Hobby kits. Both, the tail width and tail rotor width, are too wide. The Special Hobby kits come with later tail rotors and their tail rotor booms are too wide when viewed from above.

Britmodeller member Panoz, from Greece, posted these photos to illustrate some of the work I will do on the Special Hobby Cobras (I may get an AZ Model Cobra later):
AZ Model above the Special Hobby

Special Hobby in gray, AZ Model in tan

Rounded corners of the intakes seen from behind

One sees the difference on the kits as well

Thanks Saul!! Looking forward to it. It's a shame that after all of these years that they couldn't get it right. Gary S. LGB XLV MMXXIV
On its way.


Hi Saul, The box of snakes arrived today. It's so much more than what I expected. Thanks so much!! There are so many Monogram parts I might try to build a USMC Cobra from it. The Fujimi kit is way off scale and I was thinking of making it into a mini submarine. When we arrived at Ft. Eustis, we were told that when the AH-1G fuselages arrived at the repair training school that the towns people thought they were mini subs. Anyway it might be fun and use those parts to repair my Cobra. Thanks, Gary S. LGB XIV MMXXIV

Hi Saul, Received the decals and instructions today. I'm going to try use the 25th Aviation Battalion "Diamondheads". They were across the runway from use at Cu Chi. We called them the wild eyed bitches. I'll scan the decals into the computer before I use them and spay with decal film.
Thanks, Gary S.