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Yep, I'm a sandbagger...


Information Overload
Staff member
I find I get a lot more done if I do not stop a build to take photographs. These are only two of five builds not shared...



Simply polished as a pilot will be in there. This one is destined for my son's room as a racer.

"The Tales says that the Wise Man, build too..."

oh sorry, wrong topic.... :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf :rotf
Nice to see you buildings Saul! :drinks

Cheers and :coolio

Oooooh NICE Spit

Close, it is a Supermarine Spiteful that I was sent as a gift. It is the Trumpeter kit. I removed the armament and prepared to make it a racer. Immediately lost the instrument panel, then drilled right through an exhaust pipe (so I know how James feels on 'those' days).





I took these in progress shots then decided against posting them.

Oooh, a Hetzer...ahem, I mean Panzerjager 38t.

Which kit is that Saul?

As the late Tom Jentz would say...

It is Trumpeter's Jagdpanzer 38 Starr. Replacement wheels from LZ Models, and the articulating tracks are difficult with pins which are too short. The black lines on the hull sides are placement guides for the skirt armor mounts which were scribed in. I drew in them with a black marker and used cyanoacrylate (super) glue to fill it in since it dries clear. The white near the front is a scratch repair using liquid paper (correction fluid). I started the kit for the Under New Management campaign and then stopped, picked it up later:



Another false start was for Operation Torch




I didn't have a kit so I started bashing kits and then... my head :bang head when I thought such expenditure in time could be reserved for other subjects so I should simply stop being stingy and buy the new kit!

Thanks Saul, was wondering if the Trumpeter kit would make a decent doner
for the LZ Models Bergepanzer 38(t).

Thanks Saul, was wondering if the Trumpeter kit would make a decent doner
for the LZ Models Bergepanzer 38(t).

Well, the lower hull is HEAVILY inspired by Tamiya with the main difference being that the Chinese added the sponsons (Dragon style). The upper hull won't be used and the Trumpeter kit includes the correct gasoline engine used on the Jagdpanzer 38. Last, it has the late tracks too.

The kits are complete, so I will have three. I pulled them out when Matrixone was showing his warp.

Now to get to the StuG bin and find what can be disposed of to buy the StuG IV I need.

You going to get rid if some Stugs...to buy a Stug? :facepalm

Tamiya StuG III and older Dragon (Imperial Series) StuG III for the Dragon StuG IV Late (6612) and Dragon (6593)StuG III Late which had sharkmouth or face schemes... These older kits will be offered with AM I picked up along the way.

Still not sharing some builds. This is how to start an up to date M46 Patton, the hard way!




I blame @jknaus! James sent me an Italeri M47 Patton and a Dragon M26A1. The plan occurred to me but I decided to use my Hobby Boss M26A1 kit instead of the Dragon Pershing.
