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WNW and TVAL closing? The End


So Face Book and a few WWI sites and large scale model sites are aflame right now with the rumour that Wing Nut Wings will be shutting its doors permanently. Supposedly the Lancs, Tripes and the other 2 in development will all be canned. A lot figure its a hoax but supposedly people close to the company have confirmed. Also TVAL will be shut down. It sounds like its politics and Sir Peter has been fighting with the NZ government.
I truly hope it is all a hoax, someone with too much time on their hands but we'll have to wait and see. From comments I have read some stores are already jacking up their prices and of course the kits will be worth their weight in gold on EBay. So lets hope all goes well.
Whatever happened to his Dambusters movie? Didn't I read that he was going to remake Hells Angels also?
Not sure. I know he put They Shall Not Grow Old at the forefront. Maybe this helps.
And this is interesting. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/20...-1955-dam-busters-film-didnt-tell-real-story/
I just finished reading an incredible book on the Dam Busters that concentrated on the Canadians. The last Dambuster alive in Canada as of the books writing in 2018 lives in the town my Daughter lives in, Rocky Mountain House. And another Canadian Dambuster just passed away last week in England.
The book: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/1443455431/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I went to Sprue and ordered a couple of the planes that I had never gotten around to getting, The Taube and Halberstadt. I had always wanted the Taube, the Halberstadt is just another one of those interesting planes that I wanted. Best to get them while I can.
You know, it is hard to say. The Lancasters, the Handley Page planes and triplanes were all in mold checking stages. There are molds and there were test shots on display at the nationals last year. At this point the majority of the costs are already paid. To not release them would be a sad deal indeed.

If WNW is even a break even company. Not much profit, but not really any loss, I would expect things to at least finish out for the projects that are almost finished. At this point, best to wait and see what really will happen.
I went to Sprue and ordered a couple of the planes that I had never gotten around to getting, The Taube and Halberstadt. I had always wanted the Taube, the Halberstadt is just another one of those interesting planes that I wanted. Best to get them while I can.
Ammo by MIG has many selections in stock with 15% off. Have not run a cost check with SBros.
Ammo by MIG has many selections in stock with 15% off. Have not run a cost check with SBros.
Didn't know Mig was selling WNW, shouldn't be shocked. I got cued up on Spruebro. Had one of the Camels in the shopping cart but it was taken out. Guess product is moving.
So I got the Ships Camel at both sites. 79.99 at Spruebro and 67,15 € at Mig, 67,15 € is about $75. but it's not in stock at Migs.
I"m pulling the trigger on a Camel and the Sopwith Triplane at Spruebro.
I probably should had not, but I pulled the trigger on the Snipe, Bristol post war, and Sopwith Pup.

And just to see, ordered a kit straight from Wingnut Wings them selves. Wanted that Albatross with the blue and white scheme.

Now that I have done this and knowing my luck, Wingnut Wings will go on to sell many more kits and we all will get the Fokker Dr.1.

Thank me anytime you want😂
I rode by an old country store that had a "Going out of business sale" sign up. I stopped in and got some stuff, ate a hotdog (or 3). Couple of weeks later they still there, bread truck was restocking. I stopped in and asked. "thought you were going out of business?" old fella laughed, "Nope, that sign said going out FOR business."
I don't know if it did or not but he was in business for another 3 years. 🤣
Ammo by MIG has many selections in stock with 15% off. Have not run a cost check with SBros.

Sprue Bros has the WNW kits at WNW retail. Thing is you get their savings on shipping, and for me they usually ship Monday and I get it Wednesday. I am not counting on the swift shipping this time, but figure it will be OK.
I was really hoping they were gonna do a re-box of the Gotha. I kick myself ever time I did not buy a few more than just one, now they go for crazy money on eBay. If WnW really does fold, I can only imagine what eBay prices will look like.