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The return of Luft'46

Thanks for looking guys!

Here are some in-progress pictures of the Me P1101.





As can be seen I still have to sand down the red filler putty on the wing roots, most other areas I used super glue as a filler...I like using super glue when I can because its a lot quicker than putty when filling seams but some places like the wing roots on this model the putty was chosen because its easier to sand and I can take as much time as I want, super glue has a really short working time for sanding it down before its too hard to work with.

The Ju EF 128 and Horten have the canopies masked and the canopy framework has been sprayed RLM 66.
I had planned to have the Me P.1101 Nightfighter at the same stage of assembly as the other two models but the wing roots needed some extra attention with filler and sanding so it will have to be painted at a later time.



You can see so much 'Operation Paperclip' in these designs. Good progress, Les.

Its been a little while since I have done anything with these models, time to get on with it.

The Ju EF 128 has had some surplus paint sprayed on to check the condition of the seam lines and some pre-shading was done on the undersurfaces too.

The Me P.1101 has also had some pre-shading work done on it. As usual with some Dragon kits of this vintage the assembly can be a P.I.A. but all the extra work filling and sanding the poor fit of the parts is really starting to pay off. :D This model will get a special camouflage scheme. :drool


There has also been some work done on the Ho 229 but I did not get pictures of it.

Here is the Ju EF 128 after the light green undersurface color was sprayed over the pre-shading. Next up will be painting the upper surface camouflage scheme, I have had trouble locating the official RLM approved camouflage scheme for this aircraft but this is understandable as the Russians took nearly all of Junkers files and equipment after the war and they did not share anything with the Western powers. :eek:ldguy





Thanks Sherman!

Quite a bit painting was done today but not all of it on these Luft'46 planes, the Ju EF 128 has had much of its upper surface colors painted but I could not move it outside to take pictures because the paint was too wet but here are a couple snaps of the Ho 229 after the pre-shading has been covered up with some RLM 76.



Looks great Les, kinda wonder, would a GE J79 engine fit in that airframe? Just think the possibilities. :pilot
Thanks guys!

Even with the crude German engines the Ho 229 was a thrill to pilot...on one of the Ho 229 V2 test flights a Me 262 flew along as a chase plane and the Me 262 had some trouble keeping up especially in turns.
Too bad there were not any of them ready for flight at the end of the war to be studied by the RAF and USAAF...how would they have changed the evolution of combat aircraft in the late 40's and early 50's? :hmmm

I wanted to get the camouflage on the Ju EF 128 on and out of the way, because of paint shortages I decided to use some old tins of Xtracolor for the topside colors of RLM 81 and RLM 82 and these paints are very glossy and take a couple days to dry so while the paint is drying on this model I can start painting the Horten on Thursday. :drool




