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Sayonara, Building a 1/35th Japanese Garden.

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/8/13

It's amazing to see such simple construction techniques turn into something so realistic.

People have asked me why I stay with the cardboard/matt board technique I began using more than 40 years ago when other, newer materials like foam board are available. There are several reasons. It's cheaper. It's more flexible. This system is very forgiving when mistakes are made. Foam board and the others I have tried are nice, but you can spend hours carving the stone or brick and one slip of the Exacto knife and it is ruined. Another reason is that I'm old and set in my ways. :D :D :D
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/8/13

:good: (y) looking good :) are you treating the cardboard with something (lack or something else to make it sturdier) Had the chance to see a demo with Per Olav Lund this weekend and how he makes buildings of isolation foam.
Looking forward to see next step in this massive dioramawork :popcorn

Thanks Mats,

I use cardboard laminated with matt board, then I coat it with plaster or whatever sheet material I decide to use. It is surprisingly strong, much stronger than any plastic kit. I built dioramas using this method more than 40 years ago and they are still strong as ever. If you are interested check out an SBS of a Greek revival building I made;


Careful Bob, I think those straight pins are way out of scale! haha :yipee

Looks amazing. Thank you for sharing the step by step method. I've got several different ideas floating around my head for dio's, and its really nice to see different ideas being used and how they are used to get the final product.

Thanks Adam, there are always many methods to building things, and that doesn't mean one is better than another, it comes down to what suits you best.
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/13/13

Got some more done on the Gate. Partial roof, the walls have been veneered with matt board.



As you can see, I still have some filling, sanding and texturizing the walls with plaster to look like concrete. Also more of the roof panels to go on.


A bit farther away.




Finally I got the bridge started, a bit tedious because the posts have to be plumbed. The other side will be easier.


Till next time.
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

I missed last update :huh: but this one is absolutely amazing! AMAZING!!! :eek:hmy:

All the best! :drinks
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

That's starting top look magical, Bob! There's a beautiful Japanese garden at the Huntington Library in Pasadena- look it up. A really nice place to spend the day!


New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Thanks Mats and Junior,

I missed last update :huh: but this one is absolutely amazing! AMAZING!!! :eek:hmy:

All the best! :drinks

Thanks Dusan,

It's at it's most basic point now, all the cool stuff comes later!

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Wow, looking good Bob :popcorn

I just got back from Japan and this has just the right feel. :good: :coolio

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Thanks Randy, James, John and Mike!

That's starting top look magical, Bob! There's a beautiful Japanese garden at the Huntington Library in Pasadena- look it up. A really nice place to spend the day!


Thanks Chuck, Actually I have been there, it is beautiful. I have seen them all over the country and even in Europe, we have a nice one here in St. Louis but, The most beautiful are in Japan and I've been fortunate to have seen many of them. I have always been fascinated by Japanese culture, love their minimalism in home furnishings and their beautiful gardens. My daughter Gail and I share an interest in things Japanese, go figure. I have a small Japanese Garden in my back yard!

A Koi pond.


Lots of fountains.



An overall shot! Not the one in Pasadena of course, but nice for my back yard.

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Wow, looking good Bob :popcorn

I just got back from Japan and this has just the right feel. :good: :coolio


Thanks Ian, a beautiful country, I've visited several times. Hopefully, it will come together when I begin adding trees and shrubs, grass and the water fall and lake.

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Just a quick update. Finished the gate roof. It should go quickly now. All the difficult work on the gate is behind me. I have also laid out the huge wooden gate with metal trim, I'll photograph it tomorrow and post later.




That's all for now!
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

It is magnificent as one can now see what the end may look like.

New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/21/13

Shaping up nicely Dad :popcorn

Why thank you son! :D :D :D

It is magnificent as one can now see what the end may look like.


Thanks Saul. I have done quite a bit since. I have made the garden wall of which only a small portion will be on the dio extending from each side of the gate to both edges. I think you will really get a better idea of what it will look like on my next post! In my research on the subject, it appears that the vast majority of Japanese gates were made of wood, even the huge ones as this will be and most are mahogany.
New birthday project. Japanese dio. Update 9/26/13

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, that looks great, I really like it. Its really coming together to where you can start seeing what the finished look will be.

I was curious, what is the overall size of the dio? I looked back and didnt see if you had mentioned it anywhere.