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Zvezda 1/35 T-90 (Complete)

Hi Beautiful people. I managed to finish this fantastic kit from Zvezda finally. Been working on this for too long.

I spent quite some time on the net trying to narrow down which colours I should chose. I almost did the one from the box art but I didn't like it and I found myself drawing toward the one I saw on Prime Portal - the one with (NATO??!!)Black , Tan and dark green.

For the green, I mixed Vallejo Green with another 2 of tamiya. I used Nato Black for the black as I have found people used that for their T-90s. Tan is from Tamiya as well. I gave it a panel line wash from AK. Because of the Tan in the paint scheme and the scenario I want to put it into, I only gave it a light coat of brown filter.

The scenario is for this gal to be just dirty on the wheels and lower parts from driving around on the range, either on training or for demonstrations. I didn't even put on black smoke pigments on the gun as well to further emphasis the point it was just driving around. I purposely didn't put on any kind of oil spillage nor chipping as everybody knows vehicles like these are kept very well maintained.

I tried my best to find the crew figures but sadly, there is none avaiable and the only thing that is avaiable is the ones from the Chechnya period and VERY expensive to buy so I had to opt out of the crew. How sad.

I didn't really had any hiccup with this kit however. The kit goes on really well and love every bit of the steps in building it. I'm vary satisfied with what I did, albeit it could look better but stil, I'm happy.
But enough chit-chat .... Its time for the photos -

And Closing the curtain with a bang - as usual -

More Photos can be found on my blog-

I know I still have a long way to go to be classed as one of the masters and I won't stop until I reach that kind of level. I couldn't keep building if not for my supporting friends and comrades and some fans ( to my surprise, I do have some fans ). Thank you guys for always supporting me. Thank you dear readers for your patronage as well.

Until Next time.
Thanks in advance for any feed back you guys might have.