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Tamiya's 48 Do 335 A


Well-known member
This is what else I have been doing along with the 109. It has way less parts and I have yet to have a glitch in assembly.

I have a bit more finished but not much, I will tell you though that I am considering making it a Reno Racer whiffer. and buy another for my Luftwaffe play.
I did a bit more on the 335 today after the honey dos. Got the fuse buttoned up bomb bay installed and the flying surfaces stuck on. Tomorrow I'll do some on the G-10.

The Tamiya 335's are great kits, I've done a couple and they go together really nice. Look's like you are going great guns on yours, looking forward to more !
Downsizing I see, better watch it or your eyes will go all buggy dealing with all those minuscule parts in such a small scale :geek .
Lookin purdy darned purdy dude :drinks
Okee Dokie. While getting ready to mask the canopy and wind screen on the 109 G-10 I found out that they were a total of 1/4 in too small in width, length and shape. If I tried to adjust any of it by spreading it they would snap. I was so angry that the 109 got up and flew out the door and into the big green wonder.

What now? well I looked around for something to get going on then I remembered this kit. I didn't have any of the colors that Tamiya was telling me to mix or any thing that resembles the drawing on the box. I just puttered around with different colors then I remembered I had some RLM 70 around the place but I had to ask what color I used to go with it. 70/71 over 65. OK, Sounds good. 20 minutes later I found an unopened jar of RLM 71, cool. so I laid down the 70 as the base coat and then I remembered why I hardly do a splinter scheme.

There ain't enough tape in the world for me to get that scheme correct so I got close and even though I didn't finish the job, coming back to it later, because it was time for supper I think it came out OK. I hope it will be acceptable in a couple of days.

Ta da...

OK, I know it isn't done but this is farther than I have gotten with any build in months.
I really enjoyed building this kit and its one of the highlights in my collection. You've done a fantastic job here! Keep up the good work!
