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Stowage on a Matilda?


Well-known member
So I spent some time Googling it but didn't come up with much. Other than the small rack on the turret side, where else would stuff had been externally on the tank? With all the crazy venting on the rear topside, would they have put anything there or just in the small space in front? I have some leftover from my Priest that I wanted to use up...

Also, for a tank in the desert, would all the stowage be desert yellow in color or would you maybe have had a hodge podge of colors?

Thanks in advance !!
I'm no authority on armor but I would think the stowage would be random, don't think I have ever seen matching camo travel bags deployed in the field. :mpup

For the rest of your question Mike, I'm not even going to try. Leave that to the experts.
Thanks Bob! Yeah...I wasn't sure either...I know troops get issued climate specific gear at times (usually the wrong gear for the climate they are in)...but I wasn't sure if British supply was on the ball and these boys were issued desert gear or not at Torch...
Im not seeing much stowage on the rear deck just on the turret sides during my search

limit the colours to tans sands and browns ( which are pretty much the same arnt they ? :blink )