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Shelf Life of stuff

moon puppy

Staff member
Question: What's the shelf life of CA, CA Kicker and other various nasty stuff we use?

I've notice my really big bottle of Kicker is not working as well at it did at first.

Also opened a fresh can of lacquer thinner and it seems to be more potent that the last of the previous can.

What's the best storage practice for this stuff?
Question: What's the shelf life of CA, CA Kicker and other various nasty stuff we use?

I've notice my really big bottle of Kicker is not working as well at it did at first.

Also opened a fresh can of lacquer thinner and it seems to be more potent that the last of the previous can.

What's the best storage practice for this stuff?

CA is best kept in a fridge. lasts longer. Kicker, never heard of any special storage, lacquer thinner in a pol locker, but everyone leaves it on a shelf I'm sure.
Kicker goes bad over time, but it's a long time! Really, the only time my kicker goes bad is when I really need it! :gogo I have had the same bottle of Gorilla brand super glue open on the bench for more than a year, that's the longest I've had one last in quite a while. Lacquer thinners evaporate if not tightly closed, I usually just keep mine in the original can and try to remember to close the lid each time! :laugh:
My trouble has been not so much the glue drying out as the tip getting closed off and having to find a way to dig through to the good stuff. I recently switched to the Loc-Tite gel brand and it has great working time and does not dry around the tip so I am hooked on it now...
Keep everything cool and dry.
It is my understanding that moisture makes the CA go "off".
I have several types (thin,thick, medium, foam safe, etc...) due to my RC airplane hobby.
I keep them all in a air-tight jar with several desiccant (silica gel) packs.
You can recharge the gel-packs by heating them up in an oven (dries them out).

Good glueing,


P.S. Never... Never take the cap off the bottle with your mouth. I glued my tongue to my teeth.:D :pp
P.S. Never... Never take the cap off the bottle with your mouth. I glued my tongue to my teeth.:D :pp

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :laugh: :cheer: :lol: :eek:hmy: :huh:

Now that's Funny ! Not really ... I've never thought about that. I do that all th time !!I guess I've been lucky !

good tips Bill, especially the last one. Now I have something else to do with those mason jars... :mpup