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moon puppy

Staff member

Figure we have a shark thread since we have shark fans around here.
We have Slough Sharks up here, one of the nicknames of the Northern Pike.


A Western Hockey League team rebranded themselves for a Theme Night as the Lake Defenbaker Slough Sharks.

slough sharks.jpg

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Figure we have a shark thread since we have shark fans around here.

Might have opened a "Pandora's Box" Bob! :bigrin:

This is Pinky, I tagged her last year. She's about 11' probably just a juvenile or just maturing. You can see the 2 tags we apply on the base of her dorsal fin. The first one is an acoustic tag which is good for 8-10 years, the second trailing one is a pop up archival satellite tag good for 1 year. The scratches on her head are from grey seals that they prey on. Looks like she had a fair bit of practice!


And this is another girl, close up! they are beautiful animals!

white 1.jpg
Were you in the water with them when you took these pictures? YIKE!
Do older, wiser Great Whites poke fun at Pinky for getting tagged twice?