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Seahawk - Crashed on approach.


Well-known member
As mentioned in my F-86 thread - "Now for something completely different" - the excellent (by all accounts) Trumpeter AW Seahawk.

with only one 'extra'

The Pavla resin 'bang-seat'.

Had the great pleasure over the years to see the RN Historic Flight demonstrating this machine at so many shows in the UK, superbly elegant and always gave a great account of itself. For this I'm using everything from the box, including the decals, no etch, no schedule, no Alclad, no detail sets just a resin seat.

Ahhh, a relaxing build for the summer :popcorn

More soon.


I cant remember ever seeing you do an jet before Ian

Really, Dave !!




Come-on you're 'avin-a-larf incha ?


Excellent choice. I have been sand bagging (an American term which I am hopefully using correctly) with the sister kit. I will be following. My boxing has the German aircraft with the sharkmouths on the tanks. I did get the resin wheel bay set.


I'll echo Dave, you doing a Suez bird?

Honestly I haven't decided. Especially back in the UK, you see a lot of these built-up at various shows, and the Suez machines easily outnumber the 'vanilla' ones by four-to-one at a rough guess. The Suez scheme is striking and attractive, but kind of over-done. There was an all red machine (an FB3 flown by 738 Squadron) and all black one flown out of Bournemouth/Hurn by the Fleet Readiness Unit but they don't really appeal.

So, the answer.... Dunno yet :idonno


Oh nice kit, I did one of these a few years back. Looking forward to this and I know what you mean by saying that mostly you do see these done up as Suez birds I did mine as such. However they do look 'right' like that :)
Seahawk - 'Nothing to see here, folks. Move along'

Been working on this beautiful little kit over the last few evenings, and even if it sounds a little arrogant I have to say the cockpit is looking very nice indeed. So this afternoon I negotiated a couple of hours bench-time with SWMBO, and sat down...

...IP had disappeared, gone, vanished, verschwunden, disparee.

It was definitely there yesterday afternoon but I am really 'anal' about clearing-off the bench at the end of each session, I must have cleared-off the IP with all the odds'n ends and not noticed. Needless to say I am really hacked-off with m'self, it's not going to stop me building it some other time just not now. So to cheer m'self up I dug-out a couple of 'bench queens' that are very close to finishing and made some progress...

...but for now I'm done with the Seahawk, unless of course, the IP magically reappears :bang head

Seahawk - and we're back.

...was tidying up around the bench at the weekend, and guess what, the missing IP was way-up on a higher shelf. No idea how it got up there, no idea at all, but it does mean I can resurrect this build later in the year (possibly in the Spring), great news as I really was enjoying it.


Seahawk - and we're back.

...no, didn't wait for Spring, re-started today !!

Nothing but a little light dry-brushing over a Tamiya acrylic flat black base then a steady hand for the odd 'spot' of colour. You can just make-out that the dials are yellow - I painted the back of the kit-supplied clear film/etch sandwich to get the effect... looks neat, if I'm allowed to be smug for a moment :S .

More next week.

Seahawk - and we're back.

Quick update sans photos.

The excellent Pavla resin seat, the only extra I'm using, painted-up very nicely and dropped right into the pit without needing the sides rubbing-back as they usually do... B U T... I needed to saw almost all of the seat-pan off to get it to fit under the canopy... which it doesn't :bang head :bang head

I'll install it anyways as even with all the 'surgery' it still is kilometres/miles ahead of the kit seat. The front fuselage is together and wearing A LOT of green putty and if I can get some 'me- time' I'll be rubbing that back tomorrow.

Pics soon (Please don't post that worthless without pics thing, Bob !! :smack ). Stay tuned.

Seahawk - and we're back.

I hope to see the Pavla seat as I didn't get any aftermarket cockpit items yet for mine.
