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Roland D.VIa


Well at it again. I was cleaning up my shop a bit this past long weekend and came across my Roland D.VIa. I had a build log here long ago but the painting did not turn out very good and so I put it away. I tried repainting this weekend and again screwed up and put it away due to annoyance but I wasnt finished. I really want to get one of my Rolands finished. So I started another and so far have the main painting done inside and will work on it some more. I also have the engine well under construction. I will be building Hans Junwirths aircraft from Jasta 78b.


I dont agree with Ronny Bars interpretation though so it will be all around blue as the lighter colour underneath his is attributed to reflection off the snow. Also this interpretation has Hans' markings overpainted because he got a Fokker D.VII but I am going to do it as original.

Thanks Chris. Juggling the AEG G.IV and this and a BTR 80 at the moment but my modeling mojo is low.
I understand about the mojo level James. Going through it myself. Looking forward to seeing how you build this as I have one in the stash too.

As to the mojo what I am doing is just go in and do "something". It doesn't matter if t is glue 2 parts together, or paint a little bit. Just do a little something. If it is giving you some trouble, say that's enough for now and stop for the nite or work on somethng a bit different. The getting started for me is the hardest part sometimes.

A little dab-l-do ya.
So have done a little here and there. Today I added the springs and they are in correct firing order with 3 compressed and the rest uncompressed. Have launched at least 3 arms though. Will have to rob a set to finish and then I can do the block painting of the engine before doing more detail work and painting. Also got some instruments attached but will need to future them. And added the magneto and switch. Painted the handles and will add soon. So not much to see really.







3rd time is a charm James. You can do it. That instrument panel is a far cry from the Cessna's I used to fly. Talk about basics!

I'm glad you keep building and trying another Roland!

Try Try Again
by T. H. Palmer

'Tis a lesson you should heed,
If at first you don't succeed,
Try, try again;

Then your courage should appear,
For if you will persevere,
You will conquer, never fear
Try, try again;

Once or twice, though you should fail,
If you would at last prevail,
Try, try again;

If we strive, 'tis no disgrace
Though we do not win the race;
What should you do in the case?
Try, try again

If you find your task is hard,
Time will bring you your reward,
Try, try again

All that other folks can do,
Why, with patience, should not you?
Only keep this rule in view:
Try, try again.

Of course, W.C. Fields had his own quote which I reserve for myself:
'If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it.'

Another tiny update. Have to install spark plugs this weekend and more engine work. Cockpit almost finished. Not really a lot to see.




Well very late or very early I got the control cables on. 2lb test .013mm fishing line. I used a silver sharpie to colour the lines. Added the rudder bars a step after which made things a bit of a pain. Also have the seat started. Just need to do the shellac and some mild weather on it. Didn't get back to the engine but maybe today. And again not a lot to see.




Oh and still need to install the throttle cable and trigger cables to the stick and paint the throttles and grip wood. Also used some very nice Aviattic decals to make the cloth screen on the rear bulkhead. Some very very fine wire stripped from a small computer fan was inserted into a small hole drilled in the small pump on the right side framework. Need to drill out the larger fuel pump and install the wire from a larger fan and then mount ti. Lastly a shutter handle needs to be made and mounted on the left which was strangely left out of the kit even though very visible.

Playing around with my new camera today. Although I got it a few months ago I haven't really used it and I figure I should try. So I have been reading and experimenting. Hope you don't mind some repetition. I must say I love the seat and I am not looking forward to the rats nest I have to sort through for the control cables. Oh and this is the best pic of Aviattics lozenge detail I have ever been able to take. Quite thrilled with it.




