Wow, it's been nearly two years of being sidetracked from the bus project!

Somehow, I've managed to put off the inevitable, but the chickens have come home to roost. I broke out the bus box and in addition to painting the stowage I'd already done, I decided to add another vehicle and some additional fun stuff. If you're signed in, you may enlarge some of the images by clicking on them.
There's more stowage, but I haven't shot photos.
I acquired this Kubelwagen, thinking it might work with the bus scene.
It's a pretty nice kit, comes with everything you see there, except sand. It builds up pretty fast too.
Had a little fun with fire.

At the tip of the tweezers are the drawer pulls Dragon intended the builder to use. I ruined two between the crazy attachment points and the fact their square peg didn't fit their punched hole.

I dug around my spare PE bin and found some suitable replacements.

Moving forward.

Next victim! Start here.

Fold, spindle AND mutilate!

The piece on the left has the drawer guides folded, an interesting task.

Keep going!

The drawers fit nicely and work!

I didn't have enough replacement handles for two per drawer, so I filled the holes and centered the pulls.
As if that wasn't enough punishment, I've had this brass funnel set forever, never had the nerve to try rolling the taper until now. What the hell? No balls, no babies, right?

Rolling the center section was pretty straightforward, although soldering the butt joint was tricky. Next!
Using my PE roller set from The Small Shop, I rolled the basic shape of the cone, then finished rolling it with my fingers and the rubber pad on the back. No progress photos while the shaping was done, bad words were said. Surprisingly, the smallest piece, the tip of the funnel was the easiest to form. Soldering it up was interesting, more bad words were uttered and I placed an order for some low temperature solder in case the situation arises again. In primer!

The Kubel is in primer, more updates later today. There's a rumor I needed to get off my ass, more on that later. Thanks for coming by!