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Photo Review: Trumpeter 35th Scale German Pz.Sfl. IVa "Dicker Max" - The 10.5cm Sfl. was NEVER called Dicker Max during the war...
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Photo Review: Trumpeter 35th Scale German Pz.Sfl. IVa "Dicker Max" - The 10.5cm Sfl. was NEVER called Dicker Max during the war...
Trumpeter has been known to release kits of lesser-known vehicles which have appeared as resin kits. Several of these, such as Pit Road’s JGSDF IFV, and On Track Models’ 12,8cm Sf. have already appeared as kits with very good detail, fit, and finish. When Trumpeter announced their ‘Dicker Max’, Dragon announced theirs as well and the race was on to be the first to release the kit. Sadly, this kit shows the effects of rushing to production. While not credited, Mr. Lam, of On Track Models...
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