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P-47D-11 Flying Finn II * * F I N I S H E D * *

P-47D-11 'Flying Finn'

And now with paint !!

To get the effect on the upper surfaces, I first thinned/sprayed Tamiya acrylic Olive Drab straight from the bottle in a steady but random swirled/mottled pattern. Next I decanted a little OD into a mix jar then added a little 'Chromate Yellow' and did the same again, finally I added a few drops of red brown into the mix and finished-off.

Would be VERY grateful for any of your thoughts and feedback, chaps, this is the first time I've tried this method. I think it works, I'm not certain tho' - Remember there's no oil washes yet !!

Over to you lot.

P-47D-11 'Flying Finn'

I like it but need to see the complete process to get a true assessment .

Cheers, Christian B)
P-47D-11 'Flying Finn'

And now the 'dirty one'

There's still a long way to go on this one. I really hate that oversize 60" roundel but I know it's accurate, I also really don't like that the insignia blue is so much paler, but that's emphasised by the flash.

Like the other two, it still needs exhaust plumes, cordite stains and the decals toning down with another light oil wash. Unlike the other two, it will get some light paint chipping. So there you have it - Farmingdale in 1:48, and all of them very close to landing, on 'long finals' I suppose you could say.

Thanks for all the encouragement over all three projects, folks, really appreciate the support so far.

P-47D-11 'Flying Finn'

It does stand out don't it.

Encouragement..well you're playing with Juggs so of course we'll be encouraging. :woohoo:
Kit - Tamiya
Paint - Tamiya acrylics
Decals - Aeromaster 48-113
Extras - Eduard seatbelts. True Details resin wheels (highly recommended)

Republic P-47D-11 Thunderbolt
Assigned to Maj. W.H. Juntilla
352nd FS, 353rd FG
Raydon, Essex 1944

Started alongside Hun Hunter which I posted here a couple of days back. Absolutely love the way this has turned out. Especially pleased with the faded/mottled OD and the dirty underbelly. Pastels on the wheels/tyres looks effective too.

As ever I'm happy to take all questions, comments and criticism. Thanks for taking the time to look.

Fantastic jug, Ian- cheers! I don't mean to be a jerk, but the insignia and call letters stand out as a bit too clean compared to the rest of this beautifully- weathered plane. Could be your flash, but just sayin'. Maybe some random dark streaks along the airflow? Any way, it's a thing of beauty, and you can't find a more "American-looking" design than the T-Bolt! :)
Very nice razorback (y) (y) (y) Love the early jugs .

I have one droning in the stash. Just not the time yet :(

Cheers, Christian B)
the insignia and call letters stand out as a bit too clean compared to the rest of this beautifully- weathered plane. Could be your flash, but just sayin'. Maybe some random dark streaks along the airflow?

You aren't wrong, Chuk. I s'pose I've got used to it whilst I've been working the kit. Won't be too difficult to calm the white down with a dirty matt varnish coat sprayed on. I also noticed that the ID lights under the wingtip need their lenses painting... no biggie.

Thanks as ever for the really positive replies, folks. As always humbling and appreciated.
