Bill Kruger's brother Steve (?) receiving an award!
I worked with Joe Simon for 2-3 hours today. He never mentioned being a Ship Guy! Thoroughness & exquisite detail are exhibited on his 1/350 IJN Yahagi Light Cruiser. Evidently others noticed his talents as well!
OK! Overview! Our car-ride to Madison was just a hair over 2 1/2 hours under a tentative/party sunny sky.
The new venue isn't quite as hallowed as the Union Hall, but an improvement I believe. (The Hall had an economically attractive Bar in it!) Registration went smoothly, Vendors were plentiful. Ralph Fredlund with his myriad car models for sale too! I helped judge the show, so judging could be considered suspect. :hmmm

I took 4 finished models.
Plastic Surgeons Joe Lotz & Aimee Wright attended as well!
The raffle was amazing. Match a ticket number, stand in line to pick your model-prize. The hospitality was first class!
Teresa picked these Gems while I was busy judging!
My hat is off to the Mad City Club! Pronunciation has improved, and awards are given with a projected image of the model on a screen behind the awards table. Anzo Lee gets a special "Atta-boy" for taking ALL the photos of awarded models. Mr. & Mrs. Coatney helped make the whole picture-thang work!
The Club thanked all the long-distance-voyagers for braving the elements to attend.
That last leg, in the excruciating bright sunshine was a challenge! Hurt my old eye-bobbers!! DANG!
Two awards! I was already a "Winner" just to be in the company of such Folk. BTW, The awards were cool, but to make a proper coaster for our Surgeon glasses, they need to be about 1 1/2 inches in diameter bigger!
Bases By Bill made them with his HUGE laser etching machine. I'll bet it shoots down satellites at night, too!!
Unsolicited Shameless plug!
Head Judge Jeff Herne runs a local acrylic model paint business as well! Nifty stuff! US Manufacturer.
Unsolicited, shameless plug #2!!
In any case, thanks for enduring the never ending Show Post!
We DID have a fine time screwing off with our Model Friends, New and not-so-new!
:yipee :drinks :dance