Sherman 18
Master at Arms
Well you all know I have some love affair with Shermans well this is my other one when it comes to tanks. M48 Patton. I really don't know why maybe because my first two armor builds were a M48 and a Sherman as a kid. This last weekend I was dusting off some of my built stuff to take to the club display this weekend, and I started to look this one over, and i had put a bunch of work into it. I built this Tamiya M48A3, might just be at the ten year mark. It was the first one I truly did some detailing on. Added hull casting texture, bolts to the fenders, search light mount on the turret, separate loader hatch springs and handles for the storage boxes, some turret basket detailing, adding welds and casting numbers. I even tried to do a Mod B version using the Verlinden update. I just never really finished it. I think it had to do with the fenders and head lights. On the fenders the "X's" did not turn out well. I remember using rod and having to file it down to make them half round and they are very uneven. I think this turned me off on finishing it, and got me started on doing the M48A3 I built with knocked off fenders. I started to think again "Hey why not play with some weathering on it, try some new Technics and get better at the ones I have been trying." As of tonight since I need to stay up so I can sleep during the day tomorrow and I'm to tired after working today to really do anything else other than zone out on the computer. I thought I would share what I have done with it so far other than break stuff off it :pinch:
After some dusting off
Stared some mud, I'm using a "weather powder" I apply some water and then basically dump the power on it. The weather powder seemed to work on the Quad Tractor and the last Sherman. On both of those I was able to go back and airbrush in different colors, so I'll try that here also
After some dusting off

Stared some mud, I'm using a "weather powder" I apply some water and then basically dump the power on it. The weather powder seemed to work on the Quad Tractor and the last Sherman. On both of those I was able to go back and airbrush in different colors, so I'll try that here also