OK so here is where I left off.
First though, the fuels tanks and ordnance being painted:

Now here we get to the decals. The Printscale decals were both very nice and really difficult to work with. You can see that they fit the front of the model very well! Sorry if the pic comes out upside down! Any way the dragon looks really cool, I think.

So like I said, the one side just messed up when I hit with the decal stuff…wonder if mine has just gone bad? It did sit idle for some years when I was out of modeling.

Now here you can see the tail. The decals are just beautiful, but that yellow tail decal, as huge as it is and the area it is going onto, on this one I Cut the decal in half with a sharp knife, and applied it in two sections, you can only juuuust se the tiny fraction of overlap. I think it looks great. What makes the Printscale decals tough are those chevrons on the tail…see them? They are INDIVIDUAL DECALS! Not at all easy to get them applied & set without disturbing the decals around it!

So I still do not have the wing decals on there, and have ordered a second set just to get the one tail decal, then production can resume! ‘Till then!