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Instruction for ModelKasten track set SK-1 ?


Active member
Hey Guys,

I bought a this set @ AMPS from CRM Hobbies & I just looked in the box for the 1st. time. The Instructions are missing & I have a weird feeling that I don't have enough trax . So, before I hit the vendor up I would like to look at the instructions because they also give the track count for each side.

So, If you have a set & could scan the instructions I would greatly appreciate it .

Thanx in advance !!


I took a look at this & he didn't give a track count. I was really hoping that He would have posted a pic of the Instructions. I just wanna make sure that I have enough track links. There are also a few things on the sprue that are interesting & I'd like to find out what they are used for .

Thanx for pointing this link out. If all else fails , I can look at this again as a guide to putting these links together !!

Well Im sure Chris Mersal will sort you out mate if you have problems,.. Ive always found him easy to deal with even if he doesnt like British grub !! :)
Wouldn't it be easiest to just keep adding links until they matched the length of the kit tracks?


Yeah. That will work. I also wanted to know what else this is on the Sprue. Although it looks like a Command Antenna Pot & base or a headlight ... I can't tell ? it's not life or death. There is a set per sprue on the pins sprue .. That means that I have over 40-50 Headlights & Command pots for antennas !! :laugh: :huh: OH !! It looks like, looking at the box that th Mystery pieces are for creating a Hub attachment if you wanna show the 1st. station with out a road wheel. BUt still there is another mystery pice that is on th JIG sprue ?? I really hope it's not a spacer or something like that for the Road wheels !

Oh ! BTW - I re-read the link &He DOES note the # of links per side. I'm gettin ready to grab th box & count out 95 links per side. Thanx again for the Link SHARK !! I guess I was having a bout of Impatience !! :blush:

ANDY - Yes ! Chris is a stand up Guy. Nothing was meant as a slam. I just wanted to get straight on the instructions making sure that I had enough links, before I started & WIth My luck - fall short ! :pinch:

It's all good !! I just counted the links. I need 190 & there are 196 in the box !! All is Good. Thanx again for the Help Saul !!

Hey Erik, this is from the FSM post.
You need to do 19 sets of 5 links each, to have enough for one track ... after a dry fit however I discovered that I needed to add an extra link or would be too tight.
again that was on the FSM so you'd have to take it with a grain of salt. They build up to some gorgeous tracks..
Whew !! ! That's cuttin' it close. I can't afford to lose any to the Carpet Monster !! I can also take SHARKS advice & match them up with th D.S. dragon tracks for length !