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Hoarding is a disease...


Information Overload
Staff member
As many may know, I pre-ordered a Dragon Opel Maultier. I knew I had an Italeri in the stash but I had plans for it since the vinyl tires damaged the plastic parts over which it was packed. They melted an impression into a few of the parts. I didn't buy Dragon's or Cyber-Hobby's previous Opels as I recalled picking up the newish Tamiya kit along with the LionRoar and Passion Models PE updates.

OK, I will get to the point.

I went into my stash (I truly have no idea how many hundreds of kits I have in the large stowage bins - used after a broken water heater damaged boxes and I tossed them out). I found a medium sized stowage bin and inside were the following Italeri kits:

2 Opel Maultiers (I had planned to kit-bash the tracked running gear from the 'one' damaged kit with the ICM Ford V 3000 S, but of course, ICM already announced a Maultier!)
2 Opel Blitz Type S

1 Mercedes 3000

1 Plus Models Ambulance Conversion along with figures and supplies from various manufacturers.

1 Plus Models Communications Truck conversion

1 Plus Models 4 x 4 conversion to make the Type A

1 CMD Maultier replacement roadwheels and idler set + 29(!) Gelände type tires to replace the vinyl

Several Tank Workshop Civilian Pattern Tires for Opel Blitz

Looks like a convoy is coming and I have one ICM Ford V3000S and Italeri Opel Maultier too many! Conversion of the new Dragon Maultier to a communications truck, an Italeri Opel to a 4x4 Type A, and an ambulance out of ICM's Ford Maultier (when I get it) are now planned in this head which is attached to a body that doesn't complete the models. :(

This may not sound bad but in the Panther bin, which I did not count how many hulls were in there, I did see an ancient Nichimo Panther Ausf G hull which I corrected! This bin doesn't contain any of the Dragon Smart Kit Panthers, of which I have enough...
:eek:hmy: :gogo

While I do buy multiples because of the reviews I write (later on, one may need an unbuilt kit to compare updated molds and/or fit upgrades), I haven't been diligent in tracking my purchases to avoid multiples.

Saul got a "Panther bin" :D I only have a dustbin :woohoo:

But it must be great to go through all that stuff and be amazed what you find!

col·lec·tor (k-lktr)
1. One that collects: a dust collector.
2. A person employed to collect taxes, duties, or other payments.
3. A person who makes a collection, as of stamps.
4. An electrode collector.
5. A solar collector.ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

I would like to think areal collector would preserve the items by not touching them or in anyway altering them. ( I am not a collector )

Noun 1. modeller - a person who creates modelsmodeller - a person who creates models
creator - a person who grows or makes or invents things

I fall in this category as I do finish one from time to time ( A slow modeller )

I don't think any of us are totally well ! :sick:

Cheers, Christian B)
I had a great time hanging in your garage with John way back...was like being in the hobby shop I grew up near ;). You certainly had better stock than the two excuses for hobby shops near me ;)
Acquisition Specialist is a nice title to put on a T-Shirt.

My point about not being a collector is that a collection has to have value from either being completed (model collection) or unbuilt and an investment (mint factory sealed Cyber Hobby kits).


you are free to do what you want with your money and/or model kits without the need to justify it, but to be fair, you did put 'Hoarding' in the thread title. Is that not a form of collecting? (albeit perhaps a very exaggerated form of collecting.)

...and not all collectors do so for investment purposes and not all collections are kept in pristine, mint condition. I have collected every ticket stub from every baseball game I've taken my son to, strictly for sentimental reasons, not monetary. My son collects well worn rocks he finds on the beach, he does this for fun. They are not going to lose value if he handles them, nor will they gain value of he doesn't. Didn't I contribute to your sons state quarter collection? Those were not mint state coins and to be honest, they will gain very little value (if any) throughout his lifetime.

Collecting/hoarding/acquiring... dictionary definitions aside, it's just your hobby within the hobby. Enjoy doing whatever it is that you do with them.

you did put 'Hoarding' in the thread title. Is that not a form of collecting? (albeit perhaps a very exaggerated form of collecting.)

...and not all collectors do so for investment purposes and not all collections are kept in pristine, mint condition.

Hi Ken,

Nice to see you posting here. ;)

I did put hoarding in the title because of the connotation it has especially with the new TV shows. As for investments, pristine, and so on, I was referring to 'model collectors' since they seem to fit those that complete their kits and add them to the collection or those that buy limited edition models for the investment.

I fully agree about not all collections being for the investment purposes and my son's state quarter collection is a fine example. You helped him meet a goal. There is tremendous value there in accomplishment. Others are the stubs you mention, again with value in the form of sentiment.

Perhaps an analogy of buying jigsaw puzzles to build and display on one's walls. Not finishing many and losing pieces to them, these puzzles don't have the same value (of any kind) as the completed ones or those still sealed where one is sure all is there.

To copy what I seen in your signature, build how you like, like how you build. Hopefully, I will add to my collection (as in completed kits) very soon.
