As many may know, I pre-ordered a Dragon Opel Maultier. I knew I had an Italeri in the stash but I had plans for it since the vinyl tires damaged the plastic parts over which it was packed. They melted an impression into a few of the parts. I didn't buy Dragon's or Cyber-Hobby's previous Opels as I recalled picking up the newish Tamiya kit along with the LionRoar and Passion Models PE updates.
OK, I will get to the point.
I went into my stash (I truly have no idea how many hundreds of kits I have in the large stowage bins - used after a broken water heater damaged boxes and I tossed them out). I found a medium sized stowage bin and inside were the following Italeri kits:
2 Opel Maultiers (I had planned to kit-bash the tracked running gear from the 'one' damaged kit with the ICM Ford V 3000 S, but of course, ICM already announced a Maultier!)
2 Opel Blitz Type S
1 Mercedes 3000
1 Plus Models Ambulance Conversion along with figures and supplies from various manufacturers.
1 Plus Models Communications Truck conversion
1 Plus Models 4 x 4 conversion to make the Type A
1 CMD Maultier replacement roadwheels and idler set + 29(!) Gelände type tires to replace the vinyl
Several Tank Workshop Civilian Pattern Tires for Opel Blitz
Looks like a convoy is coming and I have one ICM Ford V3000S and Italeri Opel Maultier too many! Conversion of the new Dragon Maultier to a communications truck, an Italeri Opel to a 4x4 Type A, and an ambulance out of ICM's Ford Maultier (when I get it) are now planned in this head which is attached to a body that doesn't complete the models.
This may not sound bad but in the Panther bin, which I did not count how many hulls were in there, I did see an ancient Nichimo Panther Ausf G hull which I corrected! This bin doesn't contain any of the Dragon Smart Kit Panthers, of which I have enough...
hmy: :gogo
While I do buy multiples because of the reviews I write (later on, one may need an unbuilt kit to compare updated molds and/or fit upgrades), I haven't been diligent in tracking my purchases to avoid multiples.
OK, I will get to the point.
I went into my stash (I truly have no idea how many hundreds of kits I have in the large stowage bins - used after a broken water heater damaged boxes and I tossed them out). I found a medium sized stowage bin and inside were the following Italeri kits:
2 Opel Maultiers (I had planned to kit-bash the tracked running gear from the 'one' damaged kit with the ICM Ford V 3000 S, but of course, ICM already announced a Maultier!)
2 Opel Blitz Type S
1 Mercedes 3000
1 Plus Models Ambulance Conversion along with figures and supplies from various manufacturers.
1 Plus Models Communications Truck conversion
1 Plus Models 4 x 4 conversion to make the Type A
1 CMD Maultier replacement roadwheels and idler set + 29(!) Gelände type tires to replace the vinyl
Several Tank Workshop Civilian Pattern Tires for Opel Blitz
Looks like a convoy is coming and I have one ICM Ford V3000S and Italeri Opel Maultier too many! Conversion of the new Dragon Maultier to a communications truck, an Italeri Opel to a 4x4 Type A, and an ambulance out of ICM's Ford Maultier (when I get it) are now planned in this head which is attached to a body that doesn't complete the models.
This may not sound bad but in the Panther bin, which I did not count how many hulls were in there, I did see an ancient Nichimo Panther Ausf G hull which I corrected! This bin doesn't contain any of the Dragon Smart Kit Panthers, of which I have enough...
hmy: :gogo
While I do buy multiples because of the reviews I write (later on, one may need an unbuilt kit to compare updated molds and/or fit upgrades), I haven't been diligent in tracking my purchases to avoid multiples.