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Help with model room layout


Hello one and all, I have just recently been given permission by the one that must be obeyed to build myself a model room. My question is have you any tips/suggestions or photos on the layout or construction of your benches and shelves, or things that you would not do again.
My room will be approx 3.5 X 3.5 metres so I have a bit space to play with.

depends on personal preferences but what i've seen very often is a "production line" layout ...

build area, paint area and photo area - clockwise or anti clockwise of personal choice!
yepp second that what Laura said

some monthe back there was a thread were a lot of us were showing their setup perhaps you find soemthing interesting in there
I would recomend an area that wraps around you (with space)that gives you a front bench and two sides that enable you to place your work subjects, tools and paints around you without them geting in the way of each other, especially if they are for different applications, effects or just drying off to the side while you paint.
I would then have your dispaly cabnet and bookcase as far from this as possible (probably directly away behind you).
Good large fluro' lights and a fan are also recomended.

This works for me:)

Don't think I can help. I got a 800 sq foot garage to work in and found myself hanging on the end of a 6 foot work bench being the only spot left to do anything.