Master at Arms
Last night I completed the second vignette/diorama for my "Shopping in Long Thanh" diorama series. It is a fairly simple vignette but I think it turned out well. The American Soldier is a Bravo 6 conversion and the Vietnamese girl is from Paracel Miniatures. The M113 "wedgie" that is being used as a backdrop was made by cutting up an Italeri M113, adding just the rail portion of the side skirts from AFV Club, using track sections from Model Kasten, and topping it off with a bundle of empty sandbags strapped down and used for a softer seat on the upper deck. The groundwork is a layer of Magic Sculpt with AK Interactive ground texture spread on top. Once dry, it was colored with pigments and acrylics. The figures were painted in acrylics as is the M113.

Up next will be a diorama of a vendor stall selling tour jackets and other souvenirs.
Thanks for looking.

Up next will be a diorama of a vendor stall selling tour jackets and other souvenirs.
Thanks for looking.